Por favor, apoie nossos patrocinadores e doe para ajudar a financiar o Episódio 3!

Aplicativo Celsius: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=network.celsius.wallet

Razões para usar Bitcoin: https://www.reasonstousebitcoin.com/



Espalhe o bom humor:


Notícias Bitcoin:
Por CCN: “Um ETF bitcoin não espera no horizonte imediato, segundo o diretor administrativo da ETF.com, Dave Nadig. Veterano do mercado de fundos negociados em bolsa e especialista em indexação, Nadig disse a Bob Pisani da CNBC que um ETF bitcoin não era “iminente”, mas continuava sendo uma forte possibilidade para 2019.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHEBY0rb82Q
https://cointelegraph.com/news/study-bitcoin-derivatives-exchanges-register-record-trading-volumes – “Cryptocurrency exchange BitMEX is reportedly also seeing much of the same trading volumes because of recent volatility in the digital assets market, while Dutch bitcoin futures and options exchange Deribit has seen a more institution-based audience. According to Diar, Deribit has been hitting record volumes month-on-month.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYneoBSZtro Crypto Bull Run: 2nd leg starts now – here’s why! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5GUklJXEIc – https://www.coindesk.com/at-blockchain-week-maturity-is-the-motto-as-ethereum-orgs-push-toward-2-0 “The ethereum movement, headed by flagship organizations like the Ethereum Foundation and the Brooklyn-based conglomerate ConsenSys, emerged from Blockchain Week 2019 with a common goal and a newfound sense of urgency.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjNMgeqUgks – 60 Minutes.

#Bitcoin #BitcoinAndFriends #BullRun



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