Support the stream: Bitcoin price continues to hover at current swing highs, and I continue to look out for accumulation areas. In terms if bitcoin technical analysis, this is my approach. I look to buy the dips, and enjoy the gains. In this brief live stream, I look at BTC price and momentum.


Live Chat Crypto Tips:

Litecoin price makes another strong move ahead of Bitcoin. In this technical analysis video, we talk about LTC and what we may see next for LTC price.

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?Legal: *’The above video references an opinion and is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice. Seek a duly licensed professional for investment advice.’

Crypto Capital Venture is big on Litecoin, but also covers other cryptocurrency news besides just LTC. The crypto market is on the rise and with it is a growing demand for information on the cryptocurrency markets.



  1. agreed with this. feel like the hype won't catch people again so there's less reason for it to go up. I know nothing just saying what I'm thinking. I made 50 bucks from it going 5-7k. I don't feel confident enough to play with more. Starting to see bitcoin as the thinking persons lotto. I put a little in quarterly bc I don't like the idea of getting a retirement fund and watching the money deflate away year after year. Stupid that you have to pay taxes on gains when you just running from inflation.

  2. I haven't purchased any BTC since 5-1. I'm waiting for that pull back and if it doesn't happen, I'm okay with that too. I'll just watch what I have grow. Your always going to have people that will try to bring you down but if we were to let them do that, we'd be letting them take some form of control over our lives and you probably would have never of bought crypto. Just do you. God bless you for your hard work.

  3. This price in BTC is insane. Could go even higher. Just for pro traders! I believe we still are in a accumulation phase (but in an insane bull trend). Al this manipulation to close shorts and longs. we will see a major pullback. Just my opinion. I dont live in USA, so I dont know how many news are there.

  4. Don’t be afraid of boasting or calling yourself right. It’s good to sell yourself from time to time. Enjoy yourself doing good things and screw whoever can’t enjoy other people succeeding

  5. Many times I tried to make something out of forex trading, left with no option but to believe it was all scam but since I invested with Mr Roland Wilson sharp platform, I have made three successful withdrawals totalling over $63,000.. Legit traders still exist.
    Contact him for a perfect trade experience at hangout

  6. Just to be a ‘Contrarian’ it is possible that the market may have been artificially low because of the ‘hash wars’ and the ‘hyperwave’ Fud.

    Perhaps this is a correction to the upside from artificial lows. Just a thought!

    Good news re the Łitecoin ETN being issued on Germany’s Stuttgart Stock Exchange. Coindesk has an article from 13th May.

  7. I have been seeing this post everywhere about Mr Roland Wilson and a lot of traders keep saying ''reach out to him''. I eventually did and it turns out to be legit I followed his instructions wish i invested and within a week I got back my profit Just stop worrying  your self he will help you out. Thank you very much Mr  Roland Wilson … You can Contact him on hangout

  8. Great video, voice of reason. Keep doing what you are doing, and proudly speak your opinion. The negative comments are hard on me too, but we have to realize it's greedy people who invest on impulse, with great great if losing money. They can't "hear" anything that sparks the fear hiding deep within, because they don't feel confident about their decisions.

  9. Depending on Binance opening soon. If I were gaining now about US30K which is 4 times on my local currency, I gonna sell it all. It is a 2 years income back in my hometown man.


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