Bitcoin Only Empowers the Whales and Exchanges…


Disclaimer: I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice.

#crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin



  1. 10:07
    "I don't really see it happening"

    Well I do (in my opinion)

    Inflation is a natural part of economics. (Demand push inflation)

    Say a country that uses btc as currency increases in gdp/capita.

    More people have more money to spend on.
    Demand side increases market follows and increases the price. (If they don't it may lead to shortage)

    Repeat this several times and the market may have to ask for the price of bread (or products the citizens use) MORE than the total supply of btc (which is 21 million)

    Wealth is not a zero-sum game. Resources are but now wealth.
    (See videos of economics for proof that wealth is positive-sum game)

    So unless bitcoin protocol adds printing of btc based off it's "current economic state"

    I don't see btc as the one that will replace currencies.

  2. “Is SP500 better? Is gold better? That’s a laughable statement”

    Yes and yes. You know which statement is laughable? People in countries with capital controls and hyper inflation loading their trucks with cryptos. Sure, some people will, but most will simply buy USD on a black market, it’s highly liquid and premiums are not high. Personally witnessed 2 hyper inflations in my lifetime and run on USD happened. Just think about it, you want to escape volatility in your own currency, so you would choose another volatile vehicle? That’s laughable IMO.

  3. Bitcoin is just a « magic internet money » they are a bunch of other legit projects out there that accomplish the same goals with major corrections, a fork is not a shit coin it is a newer version trying to correct things, it might just be a fork ran by idiots or a scam or a project trying to « make development. bitcoin is the first magic internet money » it is not perfect lol. But as long as they don’t get speculation from influencers. And influencers usually tend to get their infos from the Same place unfortunately… because they tend to repeat more then understand.

  4. I believe in vertcoin, a 12 year old kid, or an « unbanked » doesn’t need to buy an expensive asic, to get involved he can just get educated and generate his own coins and be his own bank.

    The richest bitcoin maximalists didn’t buy their coins lol they mined them and now selling it to you to go to better stuff.

    The only involvement people can do with bitcoin is not mining or participating in the security, it’s buying bitcoin to asic manufacturer that are creating demand or they go bankrupt.
    Again the price of bitcoin doesn’t mean sht, it could just be 2 whales fighting over something not worth it, by speculating.

    The price of bitcoin will increase ofc it will get harder to make because of the halving so « people that mine bitcoin » will put higher order price to sell there freshly new mined bitcoin.
    A price is a price you choose if you want to buy it or no… but the more expensive it is the more it attracts people to buy it. Amazing…

    An asic is not there to accomplish « more work » well it does have more hashrate but it does not make transactions go faster in any way the amount of « work » or « hashrate » is only an indicator for the reward. So essentially yes ASICS have a lot of hashrate,so it helps raising the hashrate of the blockchain and it makes it seem « secure » because of the amount of hashrate.
    People are wanting more hashrate because of greed. One day the bitcoin blockchain will be mined by a single company lol.

  5. its bad if you think it is bad, i like what you mean but BTC was a risky investment, so people who invested in are not kids.. i know what i was getting into when i invested in coins even though its not as we expected, coins like BTC,lite,Telecoin and TELEX are still some of the coin i prefer to and will invest in

  6. Yeah… one Bitcoin is worth one Bitcoin. But exchanges still determine the value of Bitcoin. Their wash trading is not recorded on the blockchain. They can manipulate the price to ZERO if they want without even having the actual full amount of Bitcoin. Just as the gold price is manipulated with paper gold certificate today. As long they can satisfy the withdraws. And if they run into a short by You withdrawing too many Bitcoins at once – your account is just being hacked. 😉


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