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Where's the 300 trillion they inject last month? ?
Nicholas, you are spot on in my little opinion. The Feds are just propping up the rich guys and throwing pennies at the average Joe to appease them. The rich get richer and have no accountability. It's a tough situation right now with Covid, because even if the Fed gave more money to the people, there is no great place to spend it. But, it would help many people get through this large layoff period and buy food and supplies for their families.
Please keep putting out great content like this. I love to hear what you have to say.
Meanwhile, I am positioning myself for another pull back in the markets, and hopefully a good rise in Bitcoin in the ensuing months.
cool. keep up the good work.
You can't see how manipulated you are with that color map??? If all that red was truly reflective of the infection count the US would have about 250+million. If it was accurate there would be a few tiny dots. Wake up.
You'll enjoy success if you trade with Jordan Newman, I can textify to that.
This crap will never see a new ath, only p&d..
Way to go Nick loved it
Loved the rant at 32:00, agree with everything said!
Awesome content as always man, thank you for sharing your thoughts and analysis! You asked for our thoughts so, I'm hoping the fed does prop things up and avoids the scenario you highlight, while being cautious that this is not over at all, and we're about to see how it plays out over the next several months. I hope it's propped up for the sake of people's retirement accounts that actually need them right now, though I'm personally invested heavily in Altcoins and BTC. Overall market goes up, I'll assume BTC and Altcoins will. If it doesn't, I guess we'll see.
What's the chart program or website you use?
What are your long term views on Cardano??? I trust you’re insight as most info I hear is its a dog as the developers are way to slow in the phase 2345…is it a buy low scenery or a run forest run….TY
Thanks, I needed that
The end game is the central banks WILL let retail banks go bust, just not yet (we the people will ask them to right?). They will do that when their new crypto USD is done, so they can manage the economy directly in the people's wallet. So just buy ALL assets, give corporations and people more debt. They have the debt, you the assets. Then launch the NEW and Corona safe digital USD (which again, we the people will beg them for), with attached wallet where the fed can inject cash directly so everyone gets money quick, and were done for.
1932 to 2020 is completely different,this fed will make new fresh dollar bills to buy whatever it needs to buy
i dont understand the skepticism on the room for growth for altcoins here. if bitcoin reaches say 100k in the next cycle, (about 2 trillion market cap) ,and lets say for arguments sake it has a 50% market dominance, thats 2 trillion in the altcoin market. Those altcoins are NOT going to be in 2017 ATH valuations, but current valuations which for many resemble pre-late 2017 pumps
. the room for growth is a lot greater since its like double dipping into two mega pumps. Much easier for altcoins to blow past their ATH from a 2 trillion altcoin market cap than 800 billion total crypto market cap like 2.5 years ago.Some will be distributed to newer coins fair enough, but the upside is possibly greater not lesser.
Drinking challenge for the lockdown
Take a shot every time he says ramifications.
every body says v shape economy no it not going to be a v shape economy is not going to and past history charts will show you rhis
Love the ending rant, i totally agree! Let them fail, end the bubble, end the fed. Opt out of the banking system through bitcoin
Good rant!
Great video
100k late 2022? Surely you mean 2021 Nick?
we love it when you get amped up and speak truth
Money is a Myth!
The best Youtuber out there! Thanks for another great video!
Word of the Day: “Ramifications“
I respect ur analysis but the whole mask wearing what planet are u on that’s good to be normal proper snowflake response of ur generation
Nick speaks the truth! Rave on Brother! Fire and passion in this video. One of your best by far!?
wait what? so now were up to a little over 8trillion? ………i cant follow this insanity going round
Nic, what are your thoughts on the combination of digital dollar and centralized blockchain based bio-metric vaccine program for all Americans? I think that this is a possibility within 1-5 years. In honesty this combination scares me as I do not trust those in power not to use such a combination to significantly curtail freedoms. What are your thoughts? I welcome a challenge to my concerns!
Yeah f those guys!! ?good video
There’s so much price predictions for BTC. I mean I’m not selling. I don’t care if it goes down to the $3K range again. It just gives me an opportunity to buy more at a cheaper price.
solid rant appreciate it
Agree ! ???
Hey Nick, I've been a subscriber since 2017 and watch all your videos. Thanks for all the effort you put in them and for your macro analysis. I don’t usually comment, but after this video I felt that I had to.
The last part of this video is pure gold. I've been saying the same for quite some time. I wish those ~7 mins were just spread all over the goddam internet to reach as many people as possible. You were able to condense a lot of what is ridiculously wrong with nowadays economy in a small clip.
The thing that shocks me the most is how everyday people think that bailing out these big institutions is a “no brainer” and mandatory thing for everybody's economic wellbeing.
In the Netherlands everyone looks at you like an alien if you wear a mask. Gov. persuading population masks do nothing has been irresponsible.
I love the long videos ramble as much as you want man!
Possibly another accumulation phase… Nothing wrong with that ??
happy Easter Nick
Awesome video bud!
Could not see the covid charts
As always, I really love your content. I think your videos are really superb. With that said, when you talk about the pandemic, about the testing, the proper response and mostly about the ,,second wave´´, you dont know what you are talking about. And please, dont take that as an insult, because it really isnt one. Check out youtubers 3Blue1Brown or minutephysics and their content about the mathematics of expotential growth and modeling of pandemics. It is so well researched and indepth content. Also MedCram has awesome updates about covid19 (they were daily befor the guy started spending days in ICU, now they are little bit more rare).
Of course I gave your video a thumbs up just like every video I have watched Of yours since 2017. But I don't like this video Nick. It's a great video but I don't like it because it scares me. I appreciate you speaking the truth. Looking out in to the future. And no matter what this is exactly what we need to hear. Unfortunately very hard times are ahead. Keep up the good work!
?? great content again!
So we have Moved from the peak being in 2021 to 2022 now ?!
Please don't turn into the crypto version of CNBC… plunge protection team.. the action in crypto has been horrible…. it's correlated with equities.. which it shouldn't be doing…. oh and the video was about the airlines… I loved it… but it was about airlines… the high yield purchases is just wrong.
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