What is the difference between reachable (listening) vs. non-reachable (non-listening) nodes? Will there be incentive schemes to run nodes? Are nodes that use older versions of the Bitcoin Core software backwards-compatible? What are the differences between Bitcoin and Lightning nodes and wallets?

These questions are from the MOOC 10.5 session and the December monthly subscriber session, which took place on October 5th and December 15th 2018 respectively. If you want early-access to talks and a chance to participate in the monthly live Q&As with Andreas, become a patron: https://www.patreon.com/aantonop

Bitcoin, Lightning, and Streaming Money – https://youtu.be/gF_ZQ_eijPs
The Internet of Money: Five Years Later – https://youtu.be/6xIq0FdmsIA
The Lightning Network – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPQwGV1aLnTurL4wU_y3jOhBi9rrpsYyi
Wallets, nodes, and monetary sovereignty – https://youtu.be/8Hb3tUn8s4E
Honest nodes and consensus – https://youtu.be/KAhY2ymI-tg
Why running a node is important – https://youtu.be/oX0Yrv-6jVs
Nonces, mining, and quantum computing – https://youtu.be/d4xXJh677J0
Is quantum computing a threat? – https://youtu.be/wlzJyp3Qm7s
Spam transactions and Child Pays For Parent – https://youtu.be/t3c0E4fkSNs
Orphan blocks and stuck transactions – https://youtu.be/MsdW0CTYwyY
Miners, pools, and consensus – https://youtu.be/JHz7LM4ncLw
Software distribution security – https://youtu.be/_V0vqy046YM
Protocol development security – https://youtu.be/4fsL5XWsTJ4
Geopolitics and state-sponsored attacks – https://youtu.be/htxPRTJLK-k
Sanctions and censorship resistance – https://youtu.be/DeXe5eGRl7E
Governance and social attack immunity – https://youtu.be/PjOHatoX6Fk
How to get people to care about security – https://youtu.be/Ji1lS9NMz1E

Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a technologist and serial entrepreneur who has become one of the most well-known and respected figures in bitcoin.

Follow on Twitter: @aantonop https://twitter.com/aantonop
Website: https://antonopoulos.com/

He is the author of two books: “Mastering Bitcoin,” published by O’Reilly Media and considered the best technical guide to bitcoin; “The Internet of Money,” a book about why bitcoin matters.

Subscribe to the channel to learn more about Bitcoin & open blockchains; click on the red bell to enable notifications about new videos!

MASTERING BITCOIN, 2nd Edition: https://amzn.to/2xcdsY9

Translations of MASTERING BITCOIN: https://bitcoinbook.info/translations-of-mastering-bitcoin/

THE INTERNET OF MONEY, v1: https://amzn.to/2ykmXFs

THE INTERNET OF MONEY, v2: https://amzn.to/2IIG5BJ

Translations of THE INTERNET OF MONEY:
Spanish, ‘Internet del Dinero’ (v1) – https://amzn.to/2yoaTTq
French, ‘L’internet de l’argent’ (v1) – https://www.amazon.fr/Linternet-largent-Andreas-M-Antonopoulos/dp/2856083390
Russian, ‘Интернет денег’ (v1) – https://www.olbuss.ru/catalog/ekonomika-i-biznes/korporativnye-finansy-bankovskoe-delo/internet-deneg
Vietnamese, ‘Internet Của Tiền Tệ’ (v1) – https://alphabooks.vn/khi-tien-len-mang

MASTERING ETHEREUM (Q4): https://amzn.to/2xdxmlK

Music: “Unbounded” by Orfan (https://www.facebook.com/Orfan/)
Outro Graphics: Phneep (http://www.phneep.com/)
Outro Art: Rock Barcellos (http://www.rockincomics.com.br/)



  1. Hi All,~
    Does every node need to have enough BTC to cover all transactions ? So if I route a 0.1 BTC payment and it goes through 6 nodes, do all 6 nodes need 0.1 BTC at least ? Because this will mean you would multiple times the BTC locked up that would actually be being used.

  2. Would it be possible to split the same bitcoin into two chains? Like two branches of the same chain, if you will? And perhaps perform a sort of atomic swap between each of them?
    I'm sure smarter people than me looked into it for scaling purposes.

  3. Forwarding the port on your router is no more difficult than changing the ringtone on your phone. Different phones and routers have different menus but the setting is more or less at the same place. If you can’t do this you probably should stay away from computers or you are risking to get hacked, your data stolen, or your computer infected and all your family photos encrypted. Watch some YouTube on your phone, learn what is what and how to do stuff safely and than proceed with bitcoin. The sooner you do it the better. The world is not going to wait for you.

  4. Just one thing is missing in any blockchain to evolve it further into total mass adoption. It is a Decentralized Escrow Peer-to-Peer protocol. The universal language of blockchain. By default.
    Something like TCP/IP was to Internet the decentralized Escrow protocol option shipped by default will turn any blockchain to a market place in itself – able to swap values between other markets/blockchains. Any type of values. And all of it goes p2p. Real estate, services, voting in any form… or whatever you'd like to digitize as some form of token and declare it as value.
    You create value and you declare it and see if the market accept it as a value.
    It's a declaration protocol, the one that always come before the actual deal. We need that intermediate layer before the actual swap of values.
    The nodes operators get the fees, which will insensitive nodes proliferation of any given blockchain due to competition for best security & speed with other crypto, while week and bad blockchains will die out in natural selection process.

  5. This might be a silly question….but I didn't here this being explained in the vid. Lightning has its own type of address, roughly 2.5 times the length of the standard bitcoin address. You also have a wallet for lightning and standard bitcoin. My question, can you transfer bitcoin from lightning wallet to standard wallet….eg ledger nano s??

  6. Spontaneous payments are coming to lightning which means that in future people will be able to just send bitcoin via lightning to some other node without the necessity to actively querying for an invoice (: also in lightning it is not only your keys = your coins but also your channel state your coins.


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