Bitcoin ‘s True Market Dominance – Revealed
Disclaimer: I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice.
#crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin
Bitcoin ‘s True Market Dominance – Revealed
Disclaimer: I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice.
#crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin
The current BTC surge is an illusion.
Wait until it gets surged into Altcoins.
Epic intro .. please tell me you are as psyched for Cyberpunk 2077 as I am.
what's the name of the superhero movie scene around 5:40 ?
I live in Japan and Asahi Super Dry is my least favorite beer.
What happened to your left arm? No watch and red mark?
I recently had 1 BTC, 10 ETH, and 40 LTC taken from two different wallets.
The end of my one month break from mining is coming to an end; I mined non-stop for three years and as some know, I experienced being hacked and had everything stolen.
I wanted to take a break and evaluate better layers of security, as what I had thought was enough; wasn't. As the value continues to go up, we become a more attractive target, and as tech continues to improve it is extremely more difficult to have good layers of security.
Do not think this cannot happen to you, ( most are too embarrassed to talk about it, which does not help the matter ), if you too have been hacked or ripped off, just put out there. The primary purpose for my comment today is what I found to be minimal security.
Most importantly, a good and kept up to date antivirus software, ( The reason McAfee sold his company was because he realized it is getting to difficult to defend a system ).
Next is a good VPN service, and or a VPN router which will cover all your devices on your network; do not turn off windows defender; not that it is great, but it is an additional layer of security.
Next, every month or bi-monthly download window malicious virus removal tool and run a "full system scan" <— very important.
Next, if you reset, or refresh or re-install a fresh copy of Windows, as soon as you get the main software you want on your system, make a backup image. Some people run the image every month to clear out anything that maybe logging you, or anything else picked up along the way.
Additionally, just for good measure, make a habit of deleting anything you can in your /Windows/Temp folder and periodically check your /Windows/sysWOW64 folder.
I am trying IPVannish for a year because it was the only service I found that covered 10 devices; there are just too many good reasons to have a VPN that doesn't log your activity; and for miners; without your data / mining in an encrypted tunnel, port sniffers can easily find and even steal your hashrate.
I am not an expert, just learning through hard knocks; an any other suggestions or considerations are welcomed.
I had two wallets drained, and one of them was a hardware wallet, and the other was a very popular PC wallet.
On a side note, I also had an Atomic Wallet on the same system that was not touched which it is very fair to say if they could have, they would have.
I know if I was reading this, I would think that something risky must have been done. I am just going to make a blanket statement, to my best knowledge and belief this was not the case, no screen shots, or restore emails or anything of the sort.
Another thing I do not trust is OneDrive, I turn it off as it just seems like an unnecessary avenue to compromise your system or data.
It was my wife's retirement account; as a 90% disabled vet, mining was about the only way I could help her retire.
I hope this never happens to you.
LOL that Elon meme
How can someone dislike this???
Lose some weight.
I fucking died!!!
breh.. please hook us up w/ link to cheating cat video
d best
Meme review!
Crypto Daily! I am writing this to you to inform you that you may be shadow banned! I am subscribed to your channel with notification bell but I didn't receive any notification of your new video! Just to inform you!
a question about this big green volume and then bigger red volume candle. How much of such a candle is buying and selling? I mean, a big green volume candle is not 100% buying and 0% selling, or do I miss something?
Super important perspective adjustment. However the Medium "True Dominance" trend chart starts in April 2018. So the "trend" only takes into consideration the market of the past 12 months or so. Basically he takes the recent bear market and says "hey, this is the entire history of crypto!"
Check out dominance trends in 2017. You will see alts flounder from July-October while Bitcoin exploded. If you followed that "trend" of course you missed the entire altcoin run-up and pop in November/December/January.
Lols, so crackin' awesome!
One funny guy. And me no laugh easy. Me no like laugh right now me want bitcoin spike 1st. So no lol, giggle silently please.
Scammers Target Libra Fans With Fake Sites, Zuckbucks
Several exploitative websites launched over the weekend aiming to separate credulous Libra investors from their cash.
Read here:
I was a bit depressed getting into office on a wet Tuesday…. now I'm in the office watching AK47 Monkey and willy plane oogling musk…. 98.16% BTC profitability. Still depressed but thanks for the memes.
Bitcoin Dominance up 60%? I wish My ex girlfriend didn't take my virginity.
The real challenge for us Cam is keeping up with the swings. As soon as we post, it changes. Hence I love your consistent insight in an inconsistent market. Go Crypto! Go memes! Go Crypto Daily!
Sure would like to get your 2 pennies on vet
Run mf's the Monkeys gotta gun!!!! Lmfao
So I just searched for Elon Musk Penis Plane…
2sides that was cool
Great Video as always ! I do not see the market landscape changing just yet , anticipating a repeat of the previous Bull cycle and Alts (top 50) will out perform BTC by end of the Bullrun . crossing fingers !!
great stufff… BTW, you DO realize that a red volume bar just means that the OVERALL volume was against a red candle. It doesn't mean that a large volume of sellers came in. i think.
How many Hoodie you have ?
Good stuff as usual, Daily!
I think BTC needs to come back below 10k and make a new, higher low from which the market can bounce. I think, from a psychological perspective, it would be very positive for the price to hover between the .5 and .618 fib levels (from the ATH) for an extended period of time, like 6 -12 weeks, then start doing a long, slow trend reversal back down to around the 6.4k to 7.5k range. I think that length of time in the 5 digit territory will help to create a new perspective on the market value of BTC and will convince the market that getting back in at 7k is a complete no-brainer, discounted price. Now, that’s all speculation, but as things stand right now, don’t you already see a 6-7k bitcoin as a really good deal? Wouldn’t you feel much less afraid to buy at those prices this time around after having this monster rally? Aren’t you more confident in the market’s ability to recover, especially after seeing what an anticipated halving did for the price of LTC?
I think you get my point.