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Article on famous Bitcoin wallets:
Satoshi and other “bitcoin .org forum” members views on Wikileaks:
Gostaria de entender…???
Binary option is a fast and extremely simple financial instrument which allows investors to speculate on whether the price of an asset will go up or down in the future, for example the stock price of Google, the price of Bitcoin, the USD/GBP exchange rate, or the price of gold. The time span can be as little as 60 seconds, making it possible to trade hundreds of times per day across any global market.
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You are covering very interesting and unusual topics, not like other channel, which only do "yes, lets talk about the price of Bitcoin today!" – Thank you! 🙂
Lovin’ it! Thank you so much for the history- keep it up.
If I sell a crypto from my ledger does the ledger house my $$$ to buy stuff with it?
No pne can steal bitcoin from me I don't have any and if I ever did I would buy the most securist ledger first.
A lot of the bitcoin donations to the genesis address actually contain messages to satoshi. Lots of people saying thank you for creating, some are advertising and lots more.
Sooo what did I just watch
I wish i was as smart and as beautiful as U.I'd be able to be myself and help people and be nice.The world would open up. :-).I'm sorry I don't have any suggestions :-).But u have given me a lot of extra areas to know about.thank you 🙂
The picture of His Daughter's hand grabbing for the pizza is perfect. The Future reaching up to take It's Slice of the Pie, a la Bitcoin. Salute
Why would you generate a new BTC address if the one you have is working fine for donations?
Little Satoshis. Lol
Very important information. Great video thanks!
I love it, spread the knowledge!
I'd say one address everyone want's to know is the famous 1M bitcoins everyone claims Mr. Satoshi has.
How to generate a new address
5 trillion ?
At least the pizzas were loaded with toppings. ???
Good day, if you you wish, take a look at Google wallet, run for about two years. I play with this, to send money to my son. By Gmail, it work, Google sent a magnetic card that was with Master card to use as a debit system. Was trying at the same time to buy btc on Mt. Got. Should research more on bitcoin, than with Google wallet.
lol! cool video!
Mmm, no mention of Craig Wright ?