BlockchainBrad speaks exclusively with NKN executive team members Bruce, Yanbo & Yilun for a full Nov ’18 update. We talk tech such as Koala Testnet, 4,000 node public testnet, new partners, recent innovations, exchanges and more. #NKN is not just a new decentralised internet, but it’s known for its ultra openness, uberized connectivity and community co-built Network.

New tech developments
NKN Testnet V0.5 Koala
is officially released
– System stability & scalability improved
– Over 4,000 node public testnet
– nnet network stack rewritten & published
– Client and Wallet SDK updated
– Community contribution surges

This interview was 100% free. I was not paid in any way shape of form by the any party, including the NKN team. I did not receive any tokens, fiat or any compensation of any kind to do this interview.

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#NKN #newweb #newkindanetwork $NKN #decentralizedweb
#yanboli @zbruceli #KOALA @NKN_ORG $NKN

Hope you get something out of it,



  1. Isn’t this very close to Elastos? I noticed this was t brought up as a competitor. Seems like they are attacking the same thing. “New internet”

  2. Things like this need more views. It’s really fascinating that so many videos with exaggerated content have such high views. Here you have an excellent team with quality code releases. A must listen as NKN has a very good use case with the network layer.

  3. Thanks Brad. Based on Github and this presentation NKN made significant progress. NKN is a very good project. This when the Network Nodes is expanded. Based on my understanding of the use cases, One can so to speak 1. Rent extra Bandwidth capacity. Need to see or hear of some more of the Dapps that will utilize their services. 2. Also whenone overpay for too much Bandwidth ; seem the business model also allows sub-contractor to also rent/sell space and earn NKN. IMO I can see Telephony Services like DENT and maybe TEL, Streaming, Gaming, Data-intensive, Weather or AI apps, etc collaborating and partnering with this Network in the regions they operate. Very Interesting. Hope i am rcorrect.

  4. Great interview Brad and thanks for asking the tough questions. It's clear to me that this is a exemplary blockchain project with big plans for the future. I find it strange that the market hasn't shown much interest in it considering the potential here


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