

  1. "Why I am loading up on Tezos!" Why are you loading up on Tezos (when we already have ETH)? But who knows, maybe this will be even better than NEO! If you ask 10 random people on the street if they've heard about either one, they will look at you funny. It's early days. SO, might as well bet on the established platform which has about 20x more markets, wallets, developers, dApps, partnerships, etc, etc. Keep an open mind, but not so open that your brain falls out.

  2. Tezos is great. You should look into Kava. MKR took a dump, after it’s compromised performance, of course being on Ethereum. Kava is on Cosmos/Atom, way better technology, higher tps and interoperable. I believe it’s a magnificent project. Ty

  3. Tezos is a living evolving decentralized network. The currency aspect is only one function. Tez is going to be a big deal in 10 years.

  4. Good video. Well thought out. But I just don't have to optimistic short term view you have. I love XTZ but I believe crypto will still go down and will take beyond the halving to recover. I think I will still be able to buy XTZ at sub 1 dollar. I hope I am wrong though.

  5. As an aside, what are your thoughts on FTM? It looks attractive (can stake at 1M FTM), but things like the subreddit seem dead, lot of disgruntled comments on there.

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