#newkidsontheblockchain #trading #cryptonews

?The New Kids On The Blockchain are back again this week with our weekly round-up of cryptocurrency news, btc, eos, ethereum, ico security tokens, blockchain news and cool stuff!

This week!

✔️Blockchain News!
✔️Can Crypto be considered a traditional asset class? Nicholas Khan-Roper from ETHBITS tells us!
✔️Abhinav Ramesh, CEO / Founder of WANDX, talks exchanges
✔️Amazing WANDX TOKEN Giveaway!



??Music by http://www.bensound.com

NB. All information shared here is for information only and should not be considered any kind of financial advice. Always do your own research. btc, eos litecoin, bitcoin, xrp, ripple, crypto daily, and more!



  1. – Security (cold wallet, ledger support, etc.)
    – Good & fast customer support
    – Awesome liquidity (maybe utilizing partnerships with other exchanges)
    – A lot of different coins (incl. stablecoins
    – It should be a FIAT gateway (the more the better)
    – A great UI both for beginners & pros
    – The topping on the cake would be an own utility token with REAL utility (acting like a real share of the exchange, airdrops, etc.)!

  2. I will choose an exchange that I am sure that my tokens never gets locked up; and no-one ever askes me for Kyc the word Crypto means secret or hidden so u ask for Kyc u gat to drop the word Crypto from your exchange! I am business minded if you share your profits with me why take my business elsewhere? Wandx says profits will be shared through staking so Wandx is my choice…. Interprobility… I believe Wandx to deliver on this! 10months I have monitored Wandx they deliver timely in accordance to road map… they take actions and not make hypes…

  3. I would pick one Exchange over another exchange because of value. Value, dedication, roadmap, and discipline behind the core development and Operations Team running the Exchange. One with great customer Service that can fix any fixable fud associated to an account. The one I'd pick is the one who sticks with the community and doesn't fade away from the true value of blockchain….. Connection. 😉 #whalestreet #love #newkidsontheblockchain

  4. I choose an exchange that is safe, easy to use, great UI , bright , clean , accurate , good selection of coins and trading pairs, fast , no or low fees , great customer service, my token stay in my personal wallet , tutorials in site , one stop shop.

  5. Liquidity in the most practical terms means low spreads and being able to get in and out of positions at market without too large a sacrifice on price.
    Volume just means overall amount traded on the exchange in the last 24 hours and this cannot be high if liquidity is low.
    Higher liquidity essentially enables people to trade higher amounts without losing an arm and a leg, so liquidity is a precursor to volume (no liquidity no volume), hence the top priority for any new exchange is to enable high liquidity on its markets.
    Big spreads would make me take the biggest jump around an exchange, as I'm not an arbitrage trader.
    Sticking to popular markets (at first?!) because all layers of participants can live anywhere except investors, they mostly hover around a few popular pairs (competitor data + a community poll can give a very good idea), so why have markets that can’t have the required layers?

    Further more easy access matters. Regular people might not be so into crypto and the market has to be as big as possible due to point 1.
    To this a slick and cutting edge UI belongs, also because alot of time gets spent in front of the Interface, plus in proportion, people who spend less time in front of it, need simple understanding.
    Nothing goes over DEX'es.
    CEX just cannot offer the amount of security and trust, coming from decentral alternatives. But even though it beeing a DEX, I would make sure the code is lizensed, best MIT.

    Access and optimazation of the UI. The exchange I would use instead of the exchanges I use now, would need easy and secure access from a desktop and from my mobile device.
    Meaning it needs full ledger support and a secured mobile app, not revealing the private key outside the device.

    The feestructure should at least be the same as with cex'es, optimaly lower of course. A narrative token reducing the fees is a must have.
    The code itself must be as fast as possible due to the limits of the blockchain speed. For best UX an offchain matching engine probably is required. for futur viability.

    All in all it must be a play out of all factors together, to just give the trader (me) a good feeling while using it. Feeling safe, secure and comfortable.

  6. How to find an exchange that you have always dreamed of? Instruction:

    1) Liquidity and trading volumes must be HIGH

    2) Every good exchange should have reliable protection against hacking

    3) The exchange should have a user-friendly interface and a nice design

    4) It is very important that the exchange has an accessible and professional support service

    Use these rules when choosing an exchange and each trading day will be a holiday for you!

  7. Thanks for tag on twitter, Been so busy with crypto I miss all the fun now 🙁 The reason I choose one exchange over another is the coins that it has available of course 🙂 Have a wonderful day everyone and Good luck?

  8. I choose exchanges based on VANITY. If I log in and see a large welcome pop up with my name in large bold letters and something else nice to boot, I get all giddy with excitement….an exchange that appeals to my vanity and at the same times gives me shit coin giveaways, is my dream exchange

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