If we look at some clear data on the bitcoin charts, we see that bitcoin charts are doing something that it has never done. In this long term bitcoin technical analysis video, we look at the the path to $100k Bitcoin.

Cycles of Bitcoin – https://www.tradingview.com/chart/BLX/IzGnRABO-The-Cycles-Of-Bitcoin-Speculative/

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?Legal: *’The above video references an opinion and is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice. Seek a duly licensed professional for investment advice.’

Crypto Capital Venture is big on tracking bitcoin and litecoin market in particular. The general premise of technical analysis videos on Crypto Capital Venture is that although Bitcoin price and Litecoin price move very in a very volatile way, there is much opportunity in being prepared for upside and downside. We also cover Bitcoin news on this channel as it comes out.

► Music Credit: Joakim Karud
Track Name: “Vacation”
Music By: Joakim Karud @ http://youtube.com/joakimkarud
Official Joakim Karud SoundCloud Page HERE – https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud
Official “Joakim Karud” YouTube Channel HERE – https://www.youtube.com/user/JoakimKarud
License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported “Share Alike” (CC BY-SA 3.0) License.
Full License HERE – https://creativecommons.org/licenses/…
Music promoted by NCM https://goo.gl/fh3rEJ

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  1. I think its highly likely we will make a 2012 like move which will make you redraw your parabolic lines on your chart. 100K this year (could go as high as 170K). Minimum 350K next year. We'll have to see if the lines do get redrawn after this year or it stays consistent.

  2. Bitcoin will hit $1 million , oh wait, I see bitcoin going down on the chart. Oh, woah, it's going down as I write this post. Damn, it's already losing 90% of its current value. Oh, wait it's zero, it's a free fall guys.

  3. Dan I've noticed that your letting the idiots get to you a little that are accusing you of being bearish when you take an objective look at all scenarios? These are the new bullrun entrants that have no understanding or appreciation of the tech and think that they need to stoke the hype at all times. They do so because they fear it's all built on hype. We will see more and more of these comments in the months ahead. So jbrush it off friend.

  4. Pure TA doesn't work. There is the Bitcoin market dominance, coupled with the scarcity (low supply and halving coming up, too) factor of BTC that will cause a FOMO squeeze. And, BTC is not accumulated for "means of exchange", but for "store of value", so scaling and fees aren't a factor. Just as you don't exchange gold bars, you don't exchange "digital gold bars". And, owning BTC is considered a status symbol among the rich and trendy.

  5. Does it scare you at all that we have not come back down to that bottom line in a correction? This current market action just doesn't make any sense, and I think Tether is the reason. If we are in a true Bull Market now, which we might be, that means we have cut the cycle time WAY down, rather than extending as time goes on. This really has me puzzled. It's making me definitely focus on the LONG term, and nothing within the next 2 years for taking profits on any positions. If we moon now, the next correction will be at a lot higher level. But if this is a bull trap, I'll be sick to my stomach! LOL

  6. Fine fine. I watch your vids enough you deserve the sub. Love the content keep churning it out!

    IMO: $100k BTC – when doesn't matter, but I'm guessing EOY definitely by Dec 2020. I've been telling people not to dare liquidate a single Satoshi until Dec 2020 at the earliest, but that long term.. they might be sad that they did..

  7. One should be a little bit careful with predictions when we are dealing with an hyper manipulated market
    I am not sure if btc will surpass the 20k this year, not because I do not believe in TA but btc is having an unusual parabolic movement coming out from a bear market few months ago, that concerns me quiet a lot, specially since 15th of Dec 2018 we haven't had not even a pullback more than 25%, (besides what happened in Bitstamp) we should be cautious
    Thumbs up as usual!

  8. may 2021 i think 100.000€ with a ath 250.000€ january 2022.

    previous ath was 20k$, i don't really see a 20X from that point..that would put it at 400k$

    i say between 10 to 12X from last ATH over a span of 2-2.5 years

  9. My question is not when 100K, or 250K… but how the changed behavior you discussed will impact the next bear market. As charted, we see a potential pull back from 90K to 22K, but if timelines move up considerably, could we blow through 90K and start looking for the next down market somewhere closer to 200K? Of course no way to know, but something to consider as we do approach 90K.

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