$6,000 Bitcoin? Why the Masses Get Things Wrong

– Twitter/Instagram: @crypto_daily

– Disclaimer: I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice.

– #crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin



  1. "A majority of people are starting to expect a $6K Bitcoin." – said on June 10 when Bitcoin was an average of $7800. Of course once again the majority is wrong. Just one week later Bitcoin is now $9300 as I type this (a stunning $1500 increase). Those waiting for a pullback are now kicking themselves because if they want in they'll have to pay significantly higher prices.

  2. We should ask, "Why does the "short interest" in Bitcoin continue to rise with the price increase? Have not yet felt enough pain from the bleeding?
    Hmm.. or maybe… Imagine the players on Wall Street waiting for the infrastructure and regulation to set in place for their full participation in the best-performing asset class of the century. Well, maybe if I were a large institutional player waiting on the sidelines, and I notice that retail investors are fronting a surge in interest & price for bitcoin, and if I could afford to sit on an underwater short position, then I might effectively be able to manipulate the price at a future time to scare newcomers away to maybe tip the scales, in order to delay or hold back prices until entry – or any number of possible desired outcomes. Especially if I had friends that think the same way

  3. Oh boy, go to the gym, you seem to be completely exhausted after a few sentences, words or phrases. and, don't eat so much pizza and be less smart, it's not healthy!! I am really worried?!

  4. Hey everyone please don't forget to thumbs down all videos from the channel: "crypto daily official," thats the one that bizzarely sued our beloved one and only Cryptodaily in a bid to steal his hard earned $ and channel name! ….

  5. The masses are wrong in the retracement to 6 k.
    The true retracement will be to 1 k, i.e, the hyperwave theory of Tyler Jenks will be fulfilled.

  6. what about the fundamentals with regard to who really created Bitcoin, the subsequent murders, the possibility of the coin being an on going federal money laundering investigation? I am bullish on crypto(arrest the illegal Federal reserve, which is neither federal public sector or a currency reserve) but I think the Paul Leroux story is just too damning to ignore, I think some people are going to be indicted for racketeering over this and the human trafficking aspect is even more menacing a cloud on the horizon

  7. this is what happens with longer videos from other youtubers (for me anyway). I tune out and begin day dreaming about bitcoin mooning, Then they say something that catches my attention and I smash j a few times and tune back in. then i repeat the process for the rest of the video.
    Your videos on the otherhand have me glued to the screen for its entirety. oh and has anyone noted your hilarious.
    keep it up bro 😀

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