? I’m A Little Dissapointed…
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World’s Hardest Try Not To Laugh Challenge
? I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice. I’m just a humble man with a great passion for all things block-chain, even tangle and block-lattice.



  1. In this Verge-Announcement-Fundraiser-Pornhub-'Scandal' last year, where they allegedly had to pay for the Pornhub Partnership, does anyone by chance know whether ZCash and Tron also had to pay Pornhub to be accepted as payment method by them or if they were added for free, which would make the Verge scandal even more scandalous?

  2. The feelings that you had during the peak were the same things we felt like in 2013/2014. Everything looked good and set to take over and then prices fell and everyone got exhausted and suddenly in 2017 Bitcoin didn't even work as well as it did in 2013. It was very disappointing and it is like the technology is always "Almost ready to take over" For years and years. We are getting closer though. For sure.

  3. Cam, no matter how bleak the crypto news is I still come here for witty sarcasm and facts. When the blockchain REALLY explodifies I hope you grow with it financially not into a 50 meter giant monster. Although that might be cool too.

  4. Great video man, I think this is a good perspective to have when talking about financial markets. I will say though, i'm a bit on the bearish side. I feel we have a lot farther to fall and i'll be shorting the whole time through that. Hey idk if you'd be into the idea of ICO reviews, but if you would be, could you maybe take a look at a few? The ICOs i'm deeply looking into are Fr8 Network, Muirfield IP, Airstayz, and Daostack. Would love to hear your thoughts on these.


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