This panel discusses the aspiration of Self-Sovereign Identity within our current systems of identity management – in social networks, hospitals, banks, government databases, or (sadly) the next data dump. Is our identifying information essential to our daily lives, or is it collected based on an unquestioned security theatre that profiles and exploits the vulnerable? Can identity be automated, decentralized, secure, and global? Must we rely on third-party custodians to define who we are? Could we regain control of our selves?

Other Panelists:
Ana Badour – McCarthy Tetrault
Amber Scott – Outlier Solutions
Joseph Cutler – Perkins Coie

This is a panel discussion which took place at the Advanced Digital Innovation Summit (ADIS) on September 12-13th 2017 in Vancouver, Canada:

00:00 – Introduction
03:48 – The siloes of identity; what is self-sovereign identity?
06:28 – How much information do these services really need?
07:28 – The security theatre of identification; identity as a poor proxy for trust
09:37 – The deputization of the identity custodians
12:00 – The fascination with proving who we are; the assumptions underlying identification systems & requirements
13:26 – The privileges of identity
14:00 – When is identity necessary? Identity vs. attestations
18:02 – What is the role of goverments / corporations / individuals in managing identities?
18:56 – Maintaining a space for anonymity and the right to privacy
21:43 – Honeypots and trusted third-parties: Equifax vs. Estonia
23:40 – “The other 4 billion,” refugees, and identity fungibility
25:36 – The dystopia of efficient identification
27:17 – The organic nature of identity; the ability to forget & forgive
29:47 – The value of memory; the danger and privilege of the power to manipulate memory; mistaken identities
34:30 – Immutability vs. mutability; what happens when laws change; the right to be forgotten / wipe identities (“declaring identity bankruptcy”)
42:31 – Maintaining the organic, personal nature of identity
43:47 – The lie of insurance & credit monitoring industries
45:53 – Appealing to regulation vs. burying the system in noise
48:25 – Apple FaceID, biometrics, and sousveillance counter-action
50:41 – Key management and personal responsibility
1:04:00 – Paternalism: removing vs. teaching responsibility
1:05:40 – Estate planning for cryptocurrencies
1:08:40 – Improving user interface design to mitigate risks
1:10:23 – Enabling two-factor authentication (2FA); layered security

Talk: “Money as a System-of-Control” –

Watch more panel discussions when they become available:

Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a technologist and serial entrepreneur who has become one of the most well-known and well-respected figures in bitcoin.

Follow on Twitter: @aantonop

He is the author of two books: “Mastering Bitcoin,” published by O’Reilly Media and considered the best technical guide to bitcoin; “The Internet of Money,” a book about why bitcoin matters.




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Music: “Unbounded” by Orfan (
Outro Graphics: Phneep (
Outro Art: Rock Barcellos (



  1. Criminal and medical records should be completely private. Only the person in question should have free access to the information. If such information is requested by relevant parties, then the individual can give them a time-sensitive watch key. One's criminal and medical history is no one else's business.

  2. #respect for Andreas… he makes PERFECT sense. Thank you so much ? for your efforts to create decentralized financial systems.

    The present education system & so called “democratic” governments have successfully made us live & think only within box/borders that they have created.

  3. We need to raise the ground stage of society by making basic living facilities available for everyone for free. Thats one way to reduce the dependence of society on individual identity!!

  4. I like how every time he gave real world examples of how the gov/authority abused the centralized system of identity tracking. They either shut up or tried to adjust the convo. They did the same when he gave ways to disrupt tracking information. Great video, I've learned so much over the years.

  5. Holy shit i just found out that i conduct my transactions more securely than my idol Andreas Antonopoulos does, i haven't used an exchange for anything but 1 alt coin in many many years, i only use shape shift because i am so paranoid about exchanges going down.

  6. A texter to A&G show ( once said "Fingerprint is username, not password". I think that is exactly right. Problem with government identification, social security number, ID #, mother's maiden name, etc. is that they are all username, not password. We need to get to a stage of computer existence where we start to use passwords for security. Actually, we're already there. The key is that we should stop using usernames without passwords as security in all the rest of our life, such as bank accounts and garbage like that. That's one of the biggest problems we have right now with security. We have a stupid banking system where electronic transfers of money are authorized by username without password: all you need is the username of the bank (ABA#) and username of the account holder (account number), and you can get their money; you don't even need a password. That's insane!

    Bitcoin has NEVER had that problem. Another example is anything that requires a PGP signature already requires more security than any username-based security system. Etc. Crypto can fix that tiny little problem that for some reason has been repeated across the citizens of over 300,000,000 people in the USA for every banking product and other non-secure product they use. THAT IS INSANE! Banks bring those problems on themselves, and try to victimize citizens, but I never accept that; I always throw those problems back into their face.

  7. So should I write down my private keys on paper and put in my tresor or safety storage or use a Hardware wallet like Ledger nano s? What if Ledger goes out of business is the nano S still going to work even for recovery?

  8. Andreas I don't agree with the claim that your past behavior does not influence your future behavior. Our identity is our refection by society we influence it by what we reveal about ourselves and our actions. Financial identity is a reflection of how our creditors view us based on whether we pay when we say we will. That is all that should be revealed in transnational identity

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