Today BlockchainBrad chats with AION CEO Matt Spoke about all the updates related to @Aion_Network’s multi-tier system. We talk about the Aion Virtual Machine (AVM), scalability, security, usability, bridging and interoperability in the @Aion_Network. Matt gets real about where AION is atm and where they are headed in 2019. At Aion, they are all about building the decentralised future via the blockchain.

This was 100% free and I received no financial compensation for doing this video; not in fiat, tokens or any form on payment. Since several months ago, I decided to do only free content unless legitimate ambassadorships were involved. I believe that sponsored content is not a problem if disclosed, but I this was NOT sponsored and there was absolutely no compensation received in any way, shape or form for this interview.

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#MattSpoke #Aion #AionBlockchain #Buidl #buildthefuture #BUIDL #AIWA #DeveloperTools #AVM



  1. hey guys, good to post again! Really looking forward to your comments, thoughts and feedback. 100% Free Interview for the community because we need less bullshit and more truth in crypto and speakers from the executive teams can inform us so much. Hope it helps guys.

  2. Hi Brad, I am a retired IT analyst and an investor in this blockchain technology. I am so tired of these so called youtube experts who do nothing more than self indulge in their own hype and BS. This video was truly refreshing and based on facts. You are the consummate professional and your videos are very informative. I was also really impressed with Matt Spoke and I believe Aion has a bright future. I will certainly be an investor in this project. THANK YOU !!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK !

  3. AION is one of the few projects that has dropped to a USD level that
    makes it's ATH of $10.50 a 100X profit from the current .10cent price.
    So based on that truth, it would be VERY VALUABLE research to do, to be
    able to find out if 1) this project will survive; and 2) if it does
    survive, will it be able to make it back to 600 Million and a 10 dollar
    token price, because if it can, a 1000 dollar investment right now would
    yield 100 grand, and a 10 thousand dollar investment would bring you
    the big salami………….1 million US dollars !!! (so I am very
    curious of just how good this project actually is, because very few
    projects have that big of a spread.) Qtum is also a 100X from it's
    current price, then WAX and Sirin Labs and Cardano are among the other
    ones with huge ATH spreads at about a 60X… but AION was the best I was
    able to find so far besides Qtum. If anyone knows of better ones on
    CMC, please add them to my list. LOL

  4. How does this compare to block Collider? I know they are looking to decentralize cross chain exchanges but didn't know if it's direct competition to aion

  5. Hey Its been a long time and no update on BlockCollider. Its launching some borderless exchange as well. Please make a video to explain what it is and if its any good.

  6. It's really getting tiring having Matt be the completely dominant voice of aion. We really need to hear from Jin or others who can speak deeply on the technical matters. It is ridiculous that Matt represents the technical side as much as he does. I am a long investor in aion I smh about the way this has been carrying on for so long. There have been attempts to have others be facing the public but it needs to pick up with the others. In any case it is great having as many updates from aion as we do get but what if something were ever to happen to matt?

  7. I’m always fascinated with your interviews, Brad. One of the few who takes this seriously and isn’t just looking for “the next 100x.” Thanks for all that you do.

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