An Important Message to ALL Crypto Owners!

– Twitter/Instagram: @crypto_daily

– Disclaimer: I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice.

– #crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin



  1. Apologies for the length…​​


    ​CW For the Win:

    ​Ole Craggie CW himself pulled a fast one on us. I think he spent years trying to push his way into being Satoshi – when that didn't work, he realized he had another exit. An easier path built on the negativity he created around himself.


    ​Setting the Stage:

    If I were our pal CW, who:

    1) is a very smart guy

    2) has a large public platform

    3) has almost been doing everything possible to RUIN his image for the last few years…

    I would have played the BCH & BSV adventure like so.


    Once it was out he wasn't Satoshi, it's possible he decided to continue building this negative image. He continued supporting a token that is the arch nemesis of the real BTC. And he certainly made sure everyone knew his name. However, since he DID believe in BCH over BTC, he separates from BCH as not to hurt BCH and the other crybaby…Roger. ​Enter BSV.​


    ​*Forks Steal Market Cap:*

    ​To give you an idea of how a fork works, you're actually taking money away from anything you fork from. ​(This is grossly oversimplified but will demonstrate why someone would fork a token and then pump PR into it.)

    –> (Total tokens) x (Token price) = ​(Market cap)

    –> ​If BTC has (21M tokens) x ($5000) = ($1.05Billion market cap) ​

    ​When BCH originally forked from BTC, it took some of BTC's market cap – because you can't easily create more money (unless new speculators enter the market). So now: (BTC Market Cap) + (BCH Market Cap) = ($1.05B). All the BTC plus all the BCH equals $1.05B. Eventually people will start trading and cashing back out to USD. That $1.05B is limited, and that pot dwindles as people arbitrarily decide on the values of BTC vs BCH. New money can make both grow. Good PR can shift value from one to the other.


    ​*Enter BSV:*

    CW spends time with BCH, and potentially realizes he's been beat – I mean look at his teammate…Roger. However he still believes in BCH over BTC, he doesn't want to hurt BCH, but he still wants to use the BCH platform.​ Enter BSV. He forks BCH, takes some of the value.


    ​*Good PR & Pumping BSV:*

    ​​Now with BSV, he puts extra money into it to keep the price moving up. He makes some silly bets over BSV vs BCH, and uses a ton of publicity to get BSV noticed. Progressively more cash is sent into pumping BSV while we all sit there and wonder "Why BSV…why?!" What's easier to manipulate, the massive BTC or small junky BSV? It only takes a little bit of cash to pump BSV and keep it going if very few are trading it.


    ​*The Toolkit:*

    CW realizes the tools that he has. An easily manipulated token because it is small. A noteworthy public image filled with so much negativity (all he has to do is sneeze and people think he's toxic). A base of wealth he created with a junk fork of BCH. Now add to that profits he likely made trading with previous manipulation of BSV & BCH. These funds can now be used to further move BSV up in the final stages. And now….the fun begins.



    ​1) Pump to Start: Put money into BSV to cause the pump (now and since it first listed).​

    2)​​ ​Pump It Twice: April 1st-5th continue to pump BSV while everyone wonders why it went up 40%. ​

    3) Hide Your Sells: Use the FOMO to sell your own physical tokens of BSV – you hide your true exit and sell as the FOMO volume buys from you.

    4) ​Enter Shorts: At the same time BSV goes up 40%, the BSV/USD Shorts go up 80% and the BSV/USD Longs drop 25%.​

    ​5) BSV/USD vs BSV/BTC: There's some movement with BSV/BTC Longs/Shorts but I suspect there are reasons to trade the USD pair instead the BTC pair of BSV (potentially liquidity issues).

    ​6) Negative PR: Begin the bully behavior on the little guy – KNOWING this will turn heads and get everyone who has a say….to shame you.​

    ​7) Negative Consequences: All the big guys play right into his hand – dump BSV & delist BSV.​

    ​8) BSV Price Tanks: Profits roll in on the massive amount of shorts, cash out at will.


    ​You would be really unintelligent to go on such a negative PR campaign and NOT have exited or shorted BSV. He is more greedy than he is a fool. ​


    ​*What's Next?:*

    ​Here is the fun part. Will he disappear and suddenly all these lawsuits fizzle away? I expect him to go under the radar. Will he buy back BSV really cheap…probably not, he'll let it die. ​It's delisted all over the place. How about turning back towards BCH quietly? Perhaps.


    ​*Surprise BCH Pump Incoming?:*

    Now this isn't financial advice, merely some far out speculation, but if I were CW I know what I would do. ​​​Will all this money that he made from the general crypto community and their FOMO, will it suddenly be pumped into BCH now? If you see BCH start to pump…I might be on to something. If you see a newly changed man, a humble CW reappear in a few months…there's another point in that direction. If all the PR goes from BSV back to BCH…we'll know we've been played.

  2. Lightning Network is complete garbage wake up ! And now blocks can be 99%+ compressed. Bitcoin is ON CHAIN scaling. BCH (bitcoin cash) is even on gemini. just saying..

  3. Governments may not be able to shut down Bitcoin but they can ban Bitcoin mining & are doing so, watch what happens next. Craig Wright deserves everything coming to him on top of a prison sentence.
    Buying weed was my first experience of Bitcoin back in 2013, it was so unbelievably complicated & stressful I did not bother looking again until late 2016 – big mistake, never mind.

  4. Delisting. Love it. Being a Bitcoin purist, I'm gonna be also a big fan of delisting now. To delist. Got delisted. Now delisting. Just testing the word… Good stuff.

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