
Disclaimer: I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice.

#crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin



  1. Why would China shoot themselves in the foot by demotivating their own currency,
    Especially with the already going on tradewars and fuzz in Hong Kong?
    It may be their own "crypto national currency", if it would be true at all, I doubt it tho..

  2. Enjoyed all of your videos, but this one. Way too much TA… Seems to lack new interesting content. Feel free to take more time between videos when there just isn't much going on. Thanks for listening to my concerns and thanks for all your wonderful content!

  3. Open up a spreadsheet and use the random function to generate a set of values. Select the values and draw a line chart. Now you can spend your afternoon finding "bull flags," head and shoulders, cup and handles, wedges, and tons of support and resistance break outs. It's great practice for when you play the slot machine later.

  4. I'm bullish BTC and ETH in near future . Ie By early next year's things will be much better than now. Mainly it's all the crazy economic / geo political stuff happening . Ie US printing of USD , Donald Trump being Alive ext . While BTC going below the 200 moving Average. That's scary. Very Short term it could do anything . I'm just not feeling it either way. Weird , usually I have a Cristal ball lol.

  5. I've been saying this for over a year now, please check out Elliott Wave Theory. If you zoom way out, the bull rally we experienced earlier this year 'could be' the 4th leg of the 5-wave BEAR MARKET. In which case means we are starting the 5th wave down now. It's going to get ugly in the short-medium term. Once that double bottom is formed we can finally level out and set ourselves up for the next bull run. Patience is a virtue.

    Also something to take note is the halving. People seem to love to try to translate whats happened the last 2 times to whats about to happen a 3rd time. But what if those last 2 halvings both have over extended price action and this halving will be a more corrective halving? Not saying the bull run wont happen but what if the bull run only brings us to 19k? And then we go through this whole bear cycle again until the following halving? Just hodl on my friends!

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