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  1. Is there a almanac for the opinions of people like Thomas Lee and what price actually did?
    My gut feeling is that in the past Mr. Lee 9 times out of 10 was wrong with his public statements just like this old white guy that is made fun of for years on zerohedge, who's name I forgot.

  2. thumbs down, stop those annoying promotions. Had to say this. Yuk. You know? We can't really skip it. I just skip you to the end of the video every time you start a promotion. So your editing is lost from there on. Silly huh? I am sorry for you. You should not do this.

  3. 2 things:
    1. Credits is a pump and dump shitcoin. Look at its charts. Creators/developers have zero faith in their own coin, and they plan to dump it on you.

    2. Have you ever seen a "sponsored" video by ethereum, or Litecoin? The answer is, hell no, 100%. Because great projects spend their resources/money on their product rather than on false promises and hot air.. their white paper

  4. Nick I really don’t get how you’re leaning towards calling that a wedge. Wedges don’t have nearly flat tops or bottoms.
    They either are both rising (bearish) or falling (bullish). This has a near flat bottom line with a top line right about 45 degrees above it.
    Of course (!) no way I can say there’s no chance we break to the upside as absolutely anything can happen, but this is clearly a descending triangle which obviously has a higher probability of breaking to the downside.

  5. What's funny is that most people won't even know there is an official recession until near the end of it, when the media finally tells them and keeps telling them. So it will most likely take at least a year before the mainstream media tells Americans that there is a recession and fuels boomers to panic sell and really tank the stock market. Then the wealthy will buy everything up for cheap. Except bitcoin, which won't be cheap., investing in Bitcoin has always been a frustration to me, i lost half my portfolio to the recent crash, trading couldn’t help me because I had little experience, all I needed was somebody to put me through. On several occasions, Bitcoin Ben, Altcoin Buzz and some majority of the videos uploaded here on YT made references about a certain Mrs Josephine Raymond so i contacted her and she promised to help me not only to recover my lost money but to earn for the rest of my life, I have earned 8BTC in less than 2 months from her trading. In the meantime, market will continue to do what it has been doing. The smart investors are beginning to accumulate more bitcoin through Mrs Josephine Raymond and more will do so if we drop even lower. Feel free to contact her at ([email protected])

  6. Love credits…. It's my guilty pleasure…. I guarantee you that the haters would not hate if they used the platform…. I was dubious at first but since using the platform I have changed my mind big time…. It's now my favourite platform and seems very undervalued for the product they already have

  7. Think we move down this week the daily stoch rsi 14,3 too high once we touch below 30 on it it will coincide with our weekly stoch rsi which is below 30 and if you look in to past history that is needed on alts and as for btc it will ride 21weekly ma until october then boom as well we will begin uptrend slowly then start to turn it up a notch in october, novermeber, december

  8. 85% of the 21 Million Bitcoins have already been mined. All Bitcoin to date can be identified by a wallet address balance. This means the supply is currently ZERO and much of the new supply is being bought OTC by the Big Money. So, the ONLY WAY to get a piece of Bitcoin out of my wallet and into your wallet is if the price is high enough. Currently, the price is not high enough for me to even consider moving a fraction of a Bitcoin back to the Exchange. But as long as enough of you place more value on the declining dollar than the growing Bitcoin price we will oscillate in this range until there is no more Bitcoin to be had at these prices. Then Bitcoin will bust North to the next level where the grind will start all over again. Eventually, fewer and fewer people will be willing to part with their BTC at such ridiculously low prices. Especially when they realize that getting it back will become harder and harder in the future. Just like those that sold out at $5, $50, $500, $1500, $5000, etc. Those prices are gone forever and never coming back. Eventually $10K will be on that list.

  9. Reason for these systemic problems:
    1. Debt Based Currency
    2. Inflationary Currency
    All by design, for the USA 1040 slaves.
    IRS = Slavery Perfected
    For the first 2/3rds of the USA there
    was no IRS and no personal federal
    income tax.
    It can be done.
    Suspend and Dissolve the IRS.
    … or keep calling yourselves free like you always do.

  10. WTF, shares and equities are about to crash through the fucking floor, all fin tech including the IMF don't even question the "coming financial crisis". That means XAU, silver, BTC, and XRP will moon.
    Who ever thinks BTC will follow the Armageddon that is about to happen is dumb.

  11. Great video as always!
    My point of view is this:
    A continuous upward rally for the SnP500 is indeed very good for bitcoin but if we have another 'Red October' this year, I think this will be the catalyst to drive the price of bitcoin upward towards the end of Q4. Existing indices and hedging into Gold, Silver and Bitcoin. So yes bitcoin will benefit from both outcomes…win win!
    Easily settling at around $15K ??

  12. Honestly I am considering selling all my btc and buying back in January. This dumping dashes my hopes time and time again. What could whales possibly gain by ultimately destroying everyone's faith in btc ever going to 20k? Aren't they in effect shooting themselves in the foot?

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