Are cryptocurrencies subject to the same border restrictions as foreign currency and cash? Where are bitcoins “located”? What happens when money is data? What are the geopolitical implications of borderless money? Bitcoins ‘live’ on the blockchain, on a global network, in “the cloud.” When you make a transaction, bitcoin is not transmitted anywhere; it simply changes ownership. National “flag” money went from being a store of value, medium of exchange, and unit of account into a system-of-control for playing political games. It removes the power of central banks to take entire populations hostage under hyperinflation experiments. Therefore the framework of money transmission laws is obsolete and fatally undermined.

This is part of a talk which took place at Pebble Beach for the Capgemini CXO Forum on November 1-3rd 2017 in Monterey, California.

Money as a System-of-Control –
Decentralization and the Architecture of Trust –
Bitcoin: Where the Laws of Mathematics Prevail –
Hard Promises, Soft Promises: Promoting Autonomy Instead of Authority –
Open Blockchains for Cashless Developed Economies –
The Digital Currency Commons –
The Killer App: Engineering the Properties of Money –
Decentralized power, leaderless governance –
Is Bitcoin a democracy? –
Will governments ban cryptocurrencies? –
The Switzerland of currencies –
The separation of money and state –
Unstoppable code –
Global financial crisis (GFC) –

Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a technologist and serial entrepreneur who has become one of the most well-known and respected figures in bitcoin.

Follow on Twitter: @aantonop

He is the author of two books: “Mastering Bitcoin,” published by O’Reilly Media and considered the best technical guide to bitcoin; “The Internet of Money,” a book about why bitcoin matters.





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Music: “Unbounded” by Orfan (
Outro Graphics: Phneep (
Outro Art: Rock Barcellos (



  1. Dude is from Germany, and he says that's where people still "trust" their government? Wow, Germans are gullible people! That's why they went all in for Hitler in the 30s and 40s. Now they are trusting this Merkel woman, who is obviously leading them down the path of destruction once again! Germans, really stupid people there, liberals.

  2. Hi… I'm a complete simpleton and know nothing about computers or crypto currencies… I have a small property with a garden plot, a chicken coop, an old pickup truck, and work as a pipe fitter and welder.

    What does all this mean for people like me?

    I've always distrusted the banking and monetary system and did my best to function independently of it.
    I'm all for 'democratizing' currencies and putting power back in the hands of the people so they can determine their destinies.
    If digital currencies grant people more autonomy and sovereignty, then great.

    However, what does all this mean for 'peasants' like me who are not involved in this digital world, and quite frankly, have no desire for it?

    Assuming digital currencies take over, I don't see what will stop the richest and most powerful people from acquiring the bulk of digital currencies simply because they have the most money to buy it, and/or invest in the computing power to mine it.

    Sure, some regular folk have jumped in and increased their wealth, but the vast majority of people have not.

    Furthermore, the success of digital currencies is being measured against already existing national currencies… everyone is celebrating because their digital currencies are worth more 'dollars' that can be used to buy tangible assets.
    Even if the currency is digital, life is still analog.

    I may just be a dumb welder, but I know that digital industries are heavily dependent on mining and oil.

    And is it true that a single Bitcoin transaction consumes enough electricity to power three average sized homes for 72 hours?!
    If so, how is such a resource intensive system of currency sustainable?
    It seems utterly wasteful to me that buying a pizza with Bitcoin would require dozens or even hundreds of times more energy than was required for the pizza itself.

    I'm not a naysayer against digital currencies, I just don't see how any system can fix problems that are predominantly psychological or 'spiritual' in nature.

  3. For all you people talking about fees to 'play' with bitcoin use an app called bisq, its a peer to peer buying/selling app that has no fees and lets you trade anonymously. No 3rd party inbetween to charge fees, and know your id. Just have your wallet, and go. Theres not many people making selling offers, or many buying, but you can always set your price and wait for someone, and the more on the peer to peer network the better.

  4. Andreas thank you for another great speech. Can you explain your views on bitcoin fees ? I am listening a lot lately about how high they are, I am little bit confused right now, and what implications of that for the bitcoin future ?

  5. just heard that in brazil, the chief of the commission designated to debate bitcoin, is against it, and wants to make a bitcoin user a criminal….
    please help us….
    what should we do?

  6. I heared it's all about getting blockchain in motion. The word allready says it. Every transaction, mail etc is linked to eachother; which it basically allready is; only in the finacial world. So your boss will automatically pay all your bills, and what's left u get. No more cash no more debt etc. U got absolutely no control over your own income.
    Great idea if u got shit for brains. We allready glorify this trustworthy system…
    Who gives a shit anyway. Real money is mostly a number on a computer just as bitcoin. Kind of sad that the entire globe turns around nothing.
    All u need to do is trade the old fashion way may it ever come.

  7. I can't see governments giving up on there power & banks letting go…
    Newspapers are already linking Bitcoin to criminals & my dad thinks it's a criminals currency & immoral…the media leads the masses & cripto currencies could be undermined & investors will jump ship…I have some & im glad I do but it's a scary path..

  8. Just a thought’… What if all these “crypto currencies” are all being used to mine one central Blockchain ledger? Think about it. The extreme prices of some currencies vs others. Makes me wonder why bitcoin is so relevant vs all these other “reputable” crypto currencies companies.

  9. Hello Guy, Vic here!
    This video is a great Example how to proceed whit Border Security. If you gonna make International travel be sure you favorite this video i case you get in trouble having a Bitcoin wallet on your Phone or Laptop.

    Thanks for the Video and the Great question.!

  10. Satoshi Nakamoto and Andreas Antonopoulos will go down in history as the figureheads of an entirely new unprecedented era of emancipation of the species Homo sapiens from the archaic vestigial shackles of tribal societies. Of course it would be all impossible if they did not stand upon the soldiers of the great pioneers in mathematics and computer engineering. I think there is hardly any disruptive technology that has had such global implications as the blockchain, a technology that has made for the first time in history of mankind the potent dream of every unhappy and unfulfilled man and women, which despite all the blah blahs most of us are, technically at least realizable. The dream of equality not held hostage by the tribal chiefs!

  11. You have to declare 'things of value'. In this example the private keys would have the value. So although you don't carry the 'bitcoins', you do carry the keys that equal the value.
    And Bitcoin is not data, just like Euro's are not the paper they're printed on. His examples don't convince.

  12. BTC, for a very large number of people, can no longer function as intended. Transactions below $1,000 can now only happen economically via exchanges because onchain fees are above USD $20 per transaction. Effectively, for most people, this is centralisation.

  13. can you do a video on denouncing Cardano as a scam, they've just started 3 months and already reached 15 billion cap I'm worried they can reach Bitcoin Market Cap and Cardano is all theory and copy paste, nothing new there.

  14. The cryptocurrency system or world must be controlled by governments, because in case of dispute from a cryptocurrency owner against a wallet maker/ developer or website where currency was bought, that person is loosing because he/she has no proof of ownership and also because the government has not recognized cryptocurrency as legal currency. I have bought a couple of bitcoins from coinbase dot com, let say for whatever reason coinbase disappears and doesn't exist anymore, how am I going to get my bitcoins back, and who should I complaint to?

  15. OK but you didn't answer the question — what do we do about financial crime in a world where money isn't controllable by nation-states? What is the solution?

  16. I absolutely adore this man! Simply can't stop listening to him.
    Honestly, I think that never in my life I have seen a man so full of knowledge and deep understanding of the issue he or she is discussing, and in the same time so eloquent in explaining the crucial concept of it to other people. And money is SUCH a difficult issue to truly grasp!
    P.S: If anyone really "deserves" to be Satoshi, than it certainly is Andreas.
    Keep up the great work, Prometheus!

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