Will CoinJoins making blockchain analytics irrelevant? Could there be a bifurcation of the network over privacy improvements, if a large portion of the supply is held in centralised services?

CORRECTION: At 1:57 I say that the European Union has deemed CoinJoin to be illegal. This is completely false. While various centralized / custodial mixing services have been shut down (https://bitcoinmagazine.com/articles/dutch-authorities-shut-down-bestmixer), there are a few CoinJoin wallets which are not custodial and there has not been any European Union legislation banning CoinJoin.

This question is from the CryptoCompare Digital Asset Summit, delivered on June 12th 2019 in London, England: https://aantonop.com/event/digital-asset-summit/

If you want early-access to talks and a chance to participate in the monthly live Q&As with Andreas, become a patron: https://www.patreon.com/aantonop

Worse than Useless: Financial Surveillance – https://youtu.be/n4F-h4xuXMk
Escaping the Global Banking Cartel – https://youtu.be/LgI0liAee4s
Money as a System-of-Control – https://youtu.be/FyK4P7ZdOK8
What is Consensus: Rules without Rulers – https://youtu.be/2tqo7PX5Pyc
Why permissioned blockchains fail – https://youtu.be/GEQzlJ_WL-E
How to avoid re-creating systems of control – https://youtu.be/EfoGnDoaBL8
Mixing services – https://youtu.be/rKoMvOH4zoY
Borderless money – https://youtu.be/EZh1-ZqffOw
Will governments let privacy coins exist? – https://youtu.be/30sjEW70rLE
The QuadrigaCX scandal and counterparty risk – https://youtu.be/xsrF0szpS0I
Exchanges, identity, and surveillance – https://youtu.be/TVFy8xXfxAA
Do “crypto-banks” threaten hard money? – https://youtu.be/Ps78g2_3_6o
The price of losing privacy – https://youtu.be/2G8IgiLbT_4
Layered scaling and privacy – https://youtu.be/4w-bjUhpf_Q
Coin selection and privacy – https://youtu.be/3Ck683CQGAQ
Privacy experimentation and the luxury of laziness – https://youtu.be/4GoPRNFr2YQ
Privacy, inflation risk, and censorship – https://youtu.be/O_YgFzgAw8w
Blacklists, taint, and wallet fingerprinting – https://youtu.be/BILcJ3WtdLQ
State-sponsored digital currencies and trust minimization – https://youtu.be/dSpFbg7jlDw
Facebook Coin and JPM Coin – https://youtu.be/Plseqktm3G4
Facebook’s GlobalCoin – https://youtu.be/OjTQAkem-VU

Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a technologist and serial entrepreneur who has become one of the most well-known and respected figures in Bitcoin. He is the author of “Mastering Bitcoin,” “The Internet of Money” series, and “Mastering Ethereum.”

Follow on Twitter: @aantonop https://twitter.com/aantonop
Website: https://antonopoulos.com/

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MASTERING BITCOIN, 2nd Edition: https://amzn.to/2xcdsY9

Translations of MASTERING BITCOIN: https://bitcoinbook.info/translations-of-mastering-bitcoin/

THE INTERNET OF MONEY, v1: https://amzn.to/2ykmXFs
THE INTERNET OF MONEY, v2: https://amzn.to/2IIG5BJ

Translations of THE INTERNET OF MONEY:
Spanish, ‘Internet del Dinero’ (v1) – https://amzn.to/2yoaTTq
German, ‘Das Internet des Geldes’ (v1) – https://amzn.to/2LEiyqO
German, ‘Das Internet des Geldes’ (v2) – https://amzn.to/2VCzse5
French, ‘L’internet de l’argent’ (v1) – https://www.amazon.fr/Linternet-largent-Andreas-M-Antonopoulos/dp/2856083390
Russian, ‘Интернет денег’ (v1) – https://www.olbuss.ru/catalog/ekonomika-i-biznes/korporativnye-finansy-bankovskoe-delo/internet-deneg
Vietnamese, ‘Internet Của Tiền Tệ’ (v1) – https://alphabooks.vn/khi-tien-len-mang

MASTERING ETHEREUM: https://amzn.to/2xdxmlK

Music: “Unbounded” by Orfan (https://www.facebook.com/Orfan/)
Outro Graphics: Phneep (http://www.phneep.com/)
Outro Art: Rock Barcellos (http://www.rockincomics.com.br/)



  1. I love your ideas ! It's an all political agenda leading to a new world ( the 5d Earth by 2038 ? ) I am not sure to be enought dedicated to serve others… but i am certain that ANDREAS will be part of the 1 or 2 billions choosen ones. Lucky guy !

  2. In order to explain the beauty of Bitcoin, it needs to be explained by a lay person which is me, that is not trained in finances and does not know Financial jargon.

    To understand the reason for Bitcoin one must first clearly understand the difference between money and currency. The easiest way to explain what money is is this, it is a receipt for a barter system. I am a barber. My brother is a doctor. At one time or the other, each of us will need each other's services or not. How do I barter my services as a barber with your services as a doctor? Do I say an hour's worth of Barber work is worth an hour's worth of doctors work? No that would not be fair because a doctor is more highly trained then a barber. So what would be fairer is to say 2 hours worth of Barber Work is worth 30 minutes worth of doctors work. And there is another issue. That is do I need the doctor., at the same time the doctor needs a barber. You see where I'm going with this.

    So we all get together and we agree on an object to represent the measure of each one of us work in order to be fair. It is not important what the object is. It can be Seashells, Bones, Gold, or Bitcoin. The important thing is that all of us have to agree that whatever it is we accepted as a measure of the store of our work. Now at this point, we can substitute the word work with energy, because this can be physical work or it can be mental work, it can be physical energy or, it can be thought energy, or whatever.

    Now we have established what money is I will try to establish in your mind what currency is. Currency is nothing more than a receipt for the money so we can say that currency is your work energy twice removed. In other words, money represents your work energy in currency represents money. Currency is a stand-in for Money because of ist hard to carry gold or Sea Shells around in your pocket. It's hard to mail them in the mail also and it's hard to divide them. So all total currency.is a stand-in for Money, which is a stand-in for your work energy. (water, Ice, Steam)the form changes but nothing is added or subtracted.

    So this what I am about to tell you is a very important concept and mathematically and scientifically speaking you can create something from nothing. For example you can take water and make it into ice. You can take water and make it into steam. You can take ice and make it into steam. What you cannot do is take a given amount of water and make it into double the amount of water. You cannot take the money and make it into double that amount of money. You cannot take work or a person's energy and make it into double that amount of energy. But here is what is very important. You can, however, take currency and make it into double the amount of currency. But when you do that it ceases to be the representative of money or the representative of work. So when the state prints currency with no added work or energy To Back it, that currency then that is added money stops being the representative of the correlated work energy.

    So how can we make this false representative of our work which is the money that the state printed out of thin air fit into the mathematics or physics of the law. We can do it two ways, but one way needs to be magic. And let's say for now that magic doesn't exist. The one way is to magically make the work-energy appear for the extra currency that you have printed. And that's not going to happen. But what can happen is you can make people produce more work to feel in the gap for the excess currency that the state has printed. Now, remember a long time ago we agreed on the unit of measure for our barter system. But we did not agree on this measurement. So basically this system of measurement is cheating us out of our work in energy, in a sense we cannot trust in this currency or measurement system because it has been debased mathematically.

    So to say it in Seashell is this, once the doctor agrees that his work is worth 10 seashells and the barber agrees that his work is worth 5 Seashells. If the Doctor adds 10 more seashells when no one is looking. that happen to be laying around without doing 10 more seashells worth of work basically this is lying and cheating. Oh, and By the way, it should be almost impossible for the Dr to find the 10 extra Sea Shells just lying around. This is Known as scarcity. So any stand-in for our work energy must be scarce.

    So now that we cannot use that system of measurement or if you will currency, for our system of barter, we have to replace it with a new system. But we have to make sure the new system cannot take the path of the old system. The old system it's called fiat currency, most know it as dollars, or it could be the yen or the rim be whichever country you live in. The new system that we replace it with is cryptocurrency. Now I know what some of you are thinking now, you are saying what about gold? And that is a good question. However, the problem with gold is this. How can everybody that orders Millions of products per week send gold through the mail thousands of miles per week to pay for the products? Another problem is how can you go into a store and pay for a soda with gold. Not only would you have to have a way to cut a piece of gold half the size of a half grain of rice but vendors would have to deal all day with pieces of gold that's the size of a splinter. So gold is not transportable and it's not divisible.

    Bitcoin is divisible, it is transportable, and it is scarce, so nobody can add more seashells behind your back. The only thing Bitcoin doesn't have is the consensus of the masses. NOT YET.


    Millions of crypto enthusiasts around the globe are demanding transparent accounts for all politicians!!!

    Politicians MUST receive monies from the people!!!

    The Peoples’ money is how we voice what we wish to fund!!

    All politicians MUST display their BTC (& various Altcoin) addresses publicly by the end of 2019, or risk losing their seat!!!

    Governance will be fully democratic (consensus-based), starting in 2020, everywhere!!!

    Millions of crypto enthusiasts are blasting this news to all politicians, political offices, governing agencies, & news outlets via all social media outlets, as well as email/text/fax/& physically being served, as well.


  4. Q&A question idea: Is it the businesses that don’t understand blockchain (Business articulation failure) or the tech just doesn’t work in some places where it’s being applied?

  5. A person is "illegal" because they violated an immigration law.

    I am American…but I live abroad. If I overstay my visa, I would be classified as an "illegal".

    …and I'd deserve it.

    You cannot expect governments to just let illegal overstay/illegal immigration go on without consequences.

    Andreas, love your talks…but virtue signaling this kinda thing is a bit lame.

  6. Thank you for sharing your insight into these privacy solutions, I recently read a whitepaper about ZeroCT which was interesting, but I need a higher level of understanding to fully grasp it i think 🙂 Ur videos always help!

  7. Will be interesting to see how things play out for Monero and Zcash. I personally feel the former is a good choice as the community and technology stack are quite promising – just needs more adoption.

  8. Greetings Sir. Residing in India, we are constantly under threats (or rumours) of facing a 10 year imprisonment to mine/hold/trade if we were to deal in any cryptocurrency but the nation's own digital currency (the digital rupee). What solutions, would you suggest, be ideal to mine btc/eth without being surveilled or rather imprisoned ? VPNs? Tor Networks? Thank you.

  9. Entrepreneurship has become very trendy, almost rockstar-ish, and the truth is, most people aren't willing to make the sacrifices needed in order to succeed, let alone the patience it takes watching the paint dry. I believe EVERYONE should become an entrepreneur, succeed or fail, so they can hopefully discover some things about themselves that they would never discover in the comfortability of a job.

  10. Bitcoins and cryptoers have a 300 billion war chest. Where is the military to protect the sovereignty of all bitcoiners? Why buy a currency not back by big guns? Vaporwave currency with no physical backing .

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