How will markets transition from centralised exchanges to decentralised exchanges (LocalBitcoins, cash ATMs, Bisq, cross-chain atomic swaps)? Could fiat-pegged cryptocurrencies ease the process of fiat-to-crypto exchanges? How could the counterparty risk introduced by custodial parties like Tether affect the security of Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency ecosystem at large?

The first question is from the patron-only live Q&A which took place on November 27th 2017. The second question is from the patron-only live Q&A which took place on January 27th 2018. If you want early-access to talks and a chance to participate in the monthly live Q&As with Andreas, become a patron:

Money as a System-of-Control –
Blockchain vs. Bullshit –
Investing in Education Instead of Speculation –
Hot vs. cold wallets –
How do I choose a wallet? –
Atomic swaps –
Alternatives to centralised exchanges –
HODLing and the “get free” scheme –
Could governments take over exchanges? –
Coinbase vs. the IRS –
Decentralized power, leaderless governance -
The revolution in trust –
Separation of money and state –
Price volatility, pegging, stability –
Wealth distribution statistics –
From barter to abstract money –

Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a technologist and serial entrepreneur who has become one of the most well-known and respected figures in bitcoin.

Follow on Twitter: @aantonop

He is the author of two books: “Mastering Bitcoin,” published by O’Reilly Media and considered the best technical guide to bitcoin; “The Internet of Money,” a book about why bitcoin matters.





Subscribe to the channel to learn more about Bitcoin & open blockchains!

Music: “Unbounded” by Orfan (
Outro Graphics: Phneep (
Outro Art: Rock Barcellos (



  1. You forgot to mention Bisq ! It's open source and allows very decentralised exchanges. I took a bit of your example, and try to spread the knowledge, acceptance and education around bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general. This has been the best tool I found to allow people to simply exchange:

  2. This is why Bitshares that offers BitUSD BitEUR BitCYN is so awesome..they are backed by 1.75-2.00 times collateral so it's much better than Tether….plus every time i turn around there is a new payment remittance or logistics company moving over to the Bitshares graphene blockchain because of their cheap fees and speed….my prediction is that we will possibly see some exchanges whether decentralized or centralized start offering Bit asset pairs …game over

  3. This is too true to be funny .

    The next time you hear a politician use the
    Word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about whether you want the 'politicians' spending
    YOUR tax money .

    A billion is a difficult number to comprehend,
    But one advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of its releases.

    A billion seconds ago it was 1959.

    A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive .

    A billion hours ago our ancestors were
    living in the Stone Age.

    A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.

    A billion dollars ago was only
    8 hours and 20 minutes,
    at the rate our government
    is spending it.

    While this thought is still fresh in our brain…
    let's take a look at New Orleans ..
    It's amazing what you can learn with some simple division.

    Louisiana Senator,
    Mary Landrieu (D)
    was asking Congress for
    To rebuild New Orleans. Interesting number…
    What does it actually mean?

    Well .. If you are one of the 484,674 residents of New Orleans
    (every man, woman and child)
    You each get $516,528

    Or… If you have one of the 188,251 homes in
    New Orleans, your home gets $1,329,787.

    Or.. If you are a family of four…
    Your family gets $2,066,012.

    Washington, D.C.
    Are all your calculators broken??

    Building Permit Tax
    CDL License Tax
    Cigarette Tax
    Corporate Income Tax
    Dog License Tax
    Federal Income Tax (Fed)
    Federal Unemployment Tax (FU TA)
    Fishing License Tax
    Food License Tax
    Fuel Permit Tax
    Gasoline Tax
    Hunting License Tax
    Inheritance Tax
    Inventory Tax
    IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
    IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
    Liquor Tax
    Luxury Tax
    Marriage License Tax
    Medicare Tax
    Property Tax
    Real Estate Tax
    Service charge Taxes
    Social Security Tax
    Road Usage Tax (Truckers)
    Sales Taxes
    Recreational Vehicle Tax
    School Tax
    State Income Tax
    State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
    Telephone Federal Excise Tax
    Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
    Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Tax
    Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
    Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax
    Telephone State and Local Tax
    Telephone Usage Charge Tax
    Utility Tax
    Vehicle License Registration Tax
    Vehicle Sales Tax
    Watercraft Registration Tax
    Well Permit Tax
    Workers Compensation Tax
    (And to think, we left British Rule to avoid so many taxes)


    Not one of these latest taxes existed 100 years ago…
    And OUR GREAT NATION_AMERICA WAS ONCE A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC and the most prosperous in the entire World.

    We had absolutely no alleged National Debt Obligations.
    We had the largest middle class in the world.
    And our Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

    What happened?

    Can you spell " Puppet Masters , The Establishment, The Cabal, The New World Order "

    And I still have to
    Press '1'
    For English.

    I hope this goes around the
    U S A

    At least 100 times

    What the heck has happened to Our Great Country, and Why ?

  4. Haha from the title I thought you were talking about risk surrounding the Counterparty DEX and got a bit worried about my holdings there. First I've seen of your videos and I'm already a fan.

  5. Some kind of irony here, though. Yes it's the centralization flaw that allows money to be stolen or hacked, yes, but it's the decentralization flaw that allows robbers to get away with the money and not be traced. At best what happened to the money can be traced for a moment, but never who's behind it.

    Which is the biggest problem with crypto IMHO. It offers no protection. And it can't, because for that you need people, people to speak to, who are gonna judge the case, and help. Sure, a bank can crash and all the money disappear (if it's not helped by the government), but the bank also protects you a lot.

    So I believe that people, the general mass, who aren't criminals or fraudsters, want to have their name on their money, they want protection.
    Which doesn't mean I don't believe in crypto, but I believe that in the end, people will never use crypto as a direct method of payment, only as a storage of value. People will keep using Paypal or whatever is similar, those centralized services will feed from people's crypto accounts in many currencies, transparently, most likely doing convertions all the time. And yes, at a fee. But I'm pretty sure that the vast majority of people want to pay that fee (well, generally it's the seller who does & it's transparent to the buyer anyway) in order to be protected. Especially when buying online. Protection from sellers, or from their own mistakes, like mistyping an address or an amount. You just can't use crypto for this directly, you need a driver anyway. Sure, the lightning network could be a driver, an abstract layer to multiple currencies, but it'd really need to offer full protection & judgement to meet people's need, IMHO.
    Not counting that it won't make sense at all for many many years, at least for europe & the US, to adopt any crypto as currency, with such volatility. If it has been done so far it's only as publicity stunts.
    This said, maybe people want both. It's a little a national sport in every european country (& I'd bet Greece is the worst) not to declare every profit. While it's crime that brought Bitcoin into the light, it may be just the general black economy that will keep crypto used. What is the value of an untaxed USD, and are people ready to give away their protection to avoid taxes, I don't know. Probably on some part of their income, yes.

    About Tether, I've read a lot about it, it's a lot of conspiracy theorists claiming that it is "printed out of thin air", which would mean that no real USD went to exchanges during the last few months, or nowhere near the 2 billions printed, which I wouldn't believe.
    So if Tether isn't backed by real USD, it means the money was stolen (or lost in some way), but you don't need Tether for that. Any exchange can lose the money, it doesn't need a money token for that. Plus whether an exchange lists USD or USDT, it's still a token, a token to "real" money in a bank, bank that doesn't have to be fully solvent on top of it. So whether it's a token to a token, or a token to a token to another token, same risk of losing it all IMHO. I believe it's the fact that Tethers have been printed in batches (there's probably a technical reason for that) that fueled conspiracy theories.

  6. Hi Andreas, Considering that current blockchain technology companies ( like Bitcoin, ethereum, ripple) can be analogized to any open source softwares like ANgular JS, ReactJS, Vue Js or perhaps even to technoogies like python, ruby etc how would you consider the valuation of these stock ? I mean Dennis RIchard never made any money writing the C programming language if you know what I mean

  7. Recently I waited watching the price of btc go straight down. Everyone was screaming the sky is falling, sell, sell! When btc went right under $6.000 I bought. There may be more opportunities to get into btc with lower prices as btc will drop again as it always does but I was comfortable with it. I went to the btc obituaries page you talk about and what a good read. Thank you for your time and knowledge. 🙂

  8. I have been upset that I knew about the possibility of DOA in 2014, but because coinbase didn't accept my dinky credit union (and still doesn't) I didn't buy and bitcoin 🙁 But when I heard that a group of people donated 100 BTC to you because you had to pay off debts, that made me feel really good. I'm really happy that your incredible service is being recognized by the community.

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