How can we get more women involved with cryptocurrencies? What are the most inspiring projects that encourage people to think beyond the current system and explore the innovative potential of the technology? Tired of hearing about the latest scammy ICO? Instead, here are some inspiring real-world projects using cryptocurrencies for good!

1. Fereshteh Forough’s “Code to Inspire” (@CodeToInspire) educational initiative, the first coding school for girls in Afghanistan, which uses Bitcoin for financial support & autonomy due to a lack of payment processors and high fees in the country (


2. The BitGive Foundation (@BitGiveOrg), a nonprofit organization that runs a program called GiveTrack, which allows donors to trace bitcoin transactions on a public platform in real time to see how funds are spent, ensure they reach their final destination, and track the results generated from contributions. (

I would also like to see more people addressing the issue of international remittances for migrant workers. Sending money home is a big business where a lot of money is going towards paying fees, about the same amount that is being spent in foreign aid. Why not just let people keep more of their own money? Doing so also generates more economic activity in return. If the informal cryptocurrency remittance market becomes really successful, Western Union will probably go out of business, but — at least here — not a single tear will be shed.

This is part of a talk which took place on July 7th 2017 at a Bloktex event hosted by the Wisma BeeOn Group in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia:

Remittances and smuggling in Venezuela –
Design for the disabled and disempowered –
Bitcoin, Payment Security, and Consumer Protection –
Crossing the chasm of theoretical vs. real need –
How long until mainstream adoption? –
The end of vampire-squid financing –

Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a technologist and serial entrepreneur who has become one of the most well-known and well-respected figures in bitcoin.

Follow on Twitter: @aantonop

He is the author of two books: “Mastering Bitcoin,” published by O’Reilly Media and considered the best technical guide to bitcoin; “The Internet of Money,” a book about why bitcoin matters.




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Music: “Unbounded” by Orfan (
Outro Graphics: Phneep (
Outro Art: Rock Barcellos (



  1. The bitcoin remittance companies aren't even necessary. They're just a temporary bridge to a future where remittance recipients just get crypto directly on their phones and spend it directly on whatever they want. If you were selling something in one of these poverty-stricken countries where half the people are living off remittances, would you prefer to take the local Corruptistan funbucks or crypto? Credit cards which end up eating 10% of your profits or crypto? Assorted bullshit giftcards/phone credits that can expire or crypto? Paypal that can freeze your account on a whim or crypto? You accept crypto, and then you use your crypto to buy new stock from your Chinese suppliers. And if you need to buy something locally, you sell your extra crypto for a premium to the local politicians who are trying to get their money out of Corruptistan. And then you crush all your competition because they're too slow or stupid to figure it out. Anything other than crypto is a fucking joke. The network just needs to grow bigger so we can get rid of all the intermediaries and the extra steps. Then it's game over. If you're not using it, you're just going to go out of business.

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