Why is it still so hard to buy bitcoin? How is earning better? Why is proof-of-work valuable? How would taking away control over money from the state impact warmongering? What tools are most needed to help unbanked people use bitcoin? Is Bitcoin ready as a system of daily and retail payments? How do you introduce children to this new form of money? Have a conversation about the birds and the bees, then the private keys.

These questions are from the Bitcoin Munich meetup, which took place on June 27th 2019. If you want early-access to talks and a chance to participate in the monthly live Q&As with Andreas, become a patron: https://www.patreon.com/aantonop

NEW! Universal Access to Basic Finance – https://youtu.be/Pkgo05Hdnfg
Bitcoin for Beginners – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPQwGV1aLnTuN6kdNWlElfr2tzigB9Nnj
Bitcoin for Bankers – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPQwGV1aLnTu45KFS6Sq6Z05qToY-n_k2
The Lightning Network – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPQwGV1aLnTurL4wU_y3jOhBi9rrpsYyi
Consensus and Forkology – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPQwGV1aLnTvgdxHfhgEYhyX10YTxQS-M
Key Management: How to Store and Use Bitcoin – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPQwGV1aLnTtAmzmz6uVE0kTKXtaGX1zY
Adoption: How, When, Why – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPQwGV1aLnTtvv7niltqwd_h0UOBGxocm
Privacy and Surveillance – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPQwGV1aLnTukCZyZVzwsdXbxjj_bzwtD
Backwards privacy and the importance of earning – https://youtu.be/P7PBr2wVR-A
Universal finance and encryption backdoors – https://youtu.be/YnCbiCOwoAY
Lightning ‘Plan B’ and second-layer effects – https://youtu.be/w3F9gIC31rY

Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a technologist and serial entrepreneur who has become one of the most well-known and respected figures in Bitcoin. He is the author of “Mastering Bitcoin,” “The Internet of Money” series, and “Mastering Ethereum.”

Follow on Twitter: @aantonop https://twitter.com/aantonop
Website: https://antonopoulos.com/

Subscribe to the channel to learn more about Bitcoin & open blockchains; click on the red bell to enable notifications about new videos!

MASTERING BITCOIN, 2nd Edition: https://amzn.to/2xcdsY9

Translations of MASTERING BITCOIN: https://bitcoinbook.info/translations-of-mastering-bitcoin/

THE INTERNET OF MONEY, v1: https://amzn.to/2ykmXFs
THE INTERNET OF MONEY, v2: https://amzn.to/2IIG5BJ

Translations of THE INTERNET OF MONEY:
Spanish, ‘Internet del Dinero’ (v1) – https://amzn.to/2yoaTTq
German, ‘Das Internet des Geldes’ (v1) – https://amzn.to/2LEiyqO
German, ‘Das Internet des Geldes’ (v2) – https://amzn.to/2VCzse5
French, ‘L’internet de l’argent’ (v1) – https://www.amazon.fr/Linternet-largent-Andreas-M-Antonopoulos/dp/2856083390
Russian, ‘Интернет денег’ (v1) – https://www.olbuss.ru/catalog/ekonomika-i-biznes/korporativnye-finansy-bankovskoe-delo/internet-deneg
Vietnamese, ‘Internet Của Tiền Tệ’ (v1) – https://alphabooks.vn/khi-tien-len-mang

MASTERING ETHEREUM: https://amzn.to/2xdxmlK

Music: “Unbounded” by Orfan (https://www.facebook.com/Orfan/)
Outro Graphics: Phneep (http://www.phneep.com/)
Outro Art: Rock Barcellos (http://www.rockincomics.com.br/)



  1. Money is a tool to store energy spent on productivity by anyone to be used in the future.

    Everything you say is exchanging mechanisms someone earning to another in different locations and different productivity rate dud to education and technology.

  2. so basically he's saying to get any local use out of the digital currency – like bitcoin – you have to do a blackmarket conversion from bitcoin to the local currency at a coffeeshop or back alley…risky and perhaps illegal…

  3. I follow your advice and i am the one that will earn it by selling my house in BTC or crypto ! Respect for you. Please take a look at the recent dutch press, it's all over the news. I will put an excerpt from the press release on my channel for reference, i really hope you will take a look! (it's mostly dutch , sorry for that)

  4. Thnk u my Master. I wannna cry when i think how powerful u are to propagate sound monetary system for peace. U ll be greatly compensated even more than now one day. Just be safe. Hire some great bodyguard

  5. Recently, I also sold my car. One possible buyer texted he can only get the car four days later, but he can transfer the money immediately, so I wouldn't give the car to someone else. I asked if he had any cryptos, in order for me to see his transfer within minutes. He answered yes and he is going to send me a message about it on WhatsApp. I never heard from him. He probably saw my WhatsApp avatar, an Amsterdam travel photo, and now tells all his friends that he is way to smart for these drug-dealing crypto-scammers 🙂

  6. That approach works only: (1) after the year 2030 or so (i.e., when the volume, law, and price stabilise, (2) for people who can afford to earn BTC – for 99.9% of people in real life this is FAPP impossible today (Andreas, I love you to pieces but please understand you are that 0.1% at this point). Bottom line is: for now BTC is mostly an investment. This won't change for about a decade.

  7. 2:49 "Bitcoin converts every bit energy into robust security for a nation state resistant global network that is the most secure time sequenced recording of immutable truth" Legendary! :O

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