G’day Crypto Mates! Bitcoin Segwit2x Dead? Cancelled? WTF! Or is it? Bitcoin Cash Rising! WTF! Today’s Crypto News. BTC CRASH! Be a Crypto Care Bear and Share if you like it. Ash, a subscriber wanted more info, so Ash Vecchio, here is some more info for you and all my subs! Cheers guys!
? My recommended exchange is Coinspot (for Aussie’s):
? Recommended wallet – Ledger Nano S: http://bit.ly/2xeymFX
More of my YouTubes:
◆ NEO: https://www.youtube.com/watchv=egVyJC…
◆ CARDANO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXyss…
◆ AION: https://www.youtube.com/watchv=I3KET8…
◆ INTEROPERABLE BLOCKCHAINS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhId4…
⚡ On donations, guys, don’t send any please. I am doing this to be part of the community! But if you would like to support me, please consider sharing this vid. Be a Crypto share bear means you care! Thank you!
⭐ Links!
SegWit2x backers cancel plans for bitcoin hard fork
◆ https://techcrunch.com/2017/11/08/segwit2x-backers-cancel-plans-for-bitcoin-hard-fork/

The Bitcoin Hard Fork, Segwit2x, Has Been Suspended
◆ https://futurism.com/bitcoin-hard-fork-segwit2x-suspended/

SegWit ‘Death’ Challenge: BitPico Vows To Fork As Bitcoin.com Goes 100% Bitcoin Cash
◆ https://cointelegraph.com/news/segwit-death-challenge-bitpico-vows-to-fork-as-bitcoincom-goes-100-bitcoin-cash

[Bitcoin-segwit2x] Segwit2x Final Steps
◆ https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-segwit2x/2017-November/000689.html
SegWit2X: Rogue Fork Announced, Raises Suspicions of Trolling
◆ https://cryptovest.com/news/segwit2x-rogue-fork-announced-raises-suspicions-of-trolling/


Segwit2X NOT Cancelled??! – BitPico
◆ https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@pandorasbox/segwit2x-not-cancelled-bitpico-claims-30-of-the-miners-will-still-go-on-with-the-segwit2x-hardfork-wtf

“BitPico” Vows to Activate Bitcoin Hard Fork Anyway Hacked
◆ https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/mysterious-group-bitpico-threatens-to-execute-segwit2x-hard-fork/

Boxmining’s Micael on the topic
◆ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0s6a_g9QXs&t=3s

Sharp Contradictions As Hard Fork Fail Makes CEOs Relieved, Users Suspicious
◆ https://cointelegraph.com/news/sharp-contradictions-as-hard-fork-fail-makes-ceos-relieved-users-suspicious

Bitcoin Price Dips, Altcoins Pump after SegWit2x Cancellation
◆ https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/bitcoin-price-dips-altcoins-pump-after-segwit2x-cancellation/

Segwit2x Futures
◆ https://news.bitcoin.com/segwit2x-futures-continue-to-trade-despite-fork-cancellation/
Business Insider article
◆ https://www.businessinsider.com.au/bitcoin-cash-price-jumps-bitcoin-falls-november-10-2017-11?r=US&IR=T
◆ https://www.bitcoincash.org/

BREAKING: China to give preference to Bitcoin Cash on regulated exchanges! BCH Update
◆ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aP7LmB9S7Mo

Bitcoin Cash Going Parabolic! By COIN MASTERY
◆ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8n3FlBevGc

Craig Wright comments
◆ https://twitter.com/ProfFaustus/status/928598250210373633

Bitcoin Cash Approaches Highest In 2 Months

BlockchainBrad Sub if you liked guys! Cheers!

Some other great unmentioned links:

Today, I just wanted to get this out quickly because of the gravity of what is going on, so next vid will have time stamps
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬●? I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice. I’m just an Aussie trying to join the crypto space.

Thanks Crypto Mates,



  1. I like how informative your videos are and how well you do your research on the topics. I found out about your channel from that crazy Keith Wareing fella 🙂 btw, doesn't that coffee get cold in your hand after a 20+min video?

  2. Just wanted to say Thanks for the well researched, well sited, and information packed videos! My first venture into alt coins was a blind stab going off a tip from a friend. Needless to say it's not turning out well. From now on i'm putting in the time and doing my own research and your channel is sure to be a great resource. Good luck in all you do!

  3. Excellent videos Brad! It's like a one stop shop for most crypto news I'd be looking at myself and your videos make it much, much easier. Just figured to give you some props besides the anonymous like btn. 🙂 Cheers!

  4. Guys you are blinded if you think the community has any part to play in this. They knew this would get no support but went ahead anyway and then waited for all-time highs to pull the plug . Guaranteed huge profits for these controlling the markets. Make no mistake there are huge criminal players involved when billions are at stake.

  5. NEO will go so high that people will regret not getting on board while affordable still..
    Having a cheap product and 100% predictable isn’t possible.. but in this case if you do your research you will see how NEO was a winner since it’s creation (AntShares)

  6. Back to square 1 again with BTC in terms of scaleability/forks etc. Can't BTC simply operate as a store of wealth on its own chain with similar "projects" relating to security and storage built on top of the original chain, whilst ONE fork only {It looks like BCH at thius stage }take care of the "coffee purchases"? As if this technology doesn't have enough work to do…and critical work. The technology whislt revolutionary is pretty hopeless in a lot of respects…multiple wallets for multiple currencies/tokens, slow as hell & high transaction fees on BTC chain {which should just be used a store of wealth}, security issues relating to smart contracts and the bugs that go with it, lack of inoperability between chains etc etc etc. I know these improvements will come but critical resources are being diverted to these aims through forks etc. The market is also manipulated and top heavy with early adopters & hoarders who hold maybe half the BTC along with the "Miners". POS should be the norm into the future v POW {Except for the Original BTC chain}. With institutional $$$ puportedly coming into the market {which will be good for price & stability…wider more diluted market v the current situation}, they would want to get their collective acts together quickly, however hard that may be in a decentralised system.

  7. It's becoming obvious that Bitcoin has deviated from the original whitepaper. The idea of someone having actual ownership of their own money. Not the banks. Not the gov't. No one. It has gone from that to a handful of early miners controlling everyone's money. I don't see much difference now.

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