Bitcoin Whales in Full Accumulation Mode

– Twitter/Instagram: @crypto_daily

– Disclaimer: I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice.

– #crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin



  1. IOTA have been a shit coin from day 1 to today. I never forget how they made a wallet where millions of investors money got lost due to bugs in 2017. And promised a new wallet in 2-3 weeks. After 3 months and they had delivered no new wallet still OR a fix. They barely gave any info at all! They officially shit on their investors. Why I sold and never came back. It is so unstable that it should never have been released. People lose their fortune just using the wallet XD They should be han…

  2. If there is no miners…then it is no longer the peoples coin…then it goes back to centralized…the power have to lie somewhere…ok that was point 1. Point 2 is how can you have a coin that does not need mining? Who the hell then keeps the blockchain up? Noone I guess! 3. I know EOS is a centrallized coin because it already have been leaked that they only got like 4-5 "servers" keeping the blockchain up = centrallized. EOS is Ripple/xrp 2.0

  3. Seriously man, things like the THX Tone at the end and the love with which you make this videos (one can notice) makes your channel to be the only one I am subscribed for notifications. Thank you!

  4. (the software firm that wrote EOSIO code) owns 10% of the outstanding 1 Billion tokens (100m tokens). They will not buy more — hence the buy back of B1 shares, which, by the way, they bought back after a 6,500% gain from original price! Also, Peter Thiel, first major investor to FaceBook, is one of the VC's backing the project. Hint Hint (Get Ready for dFace.)

  5. tx Cam. so when do you think BTC reaches 20K. ? I will have to send you a small token of appreciation for your optimism over 2018 and 2019. What kind of fiat do you want?

  6. What a whale run, including coordination with exchanges , this is crazy, from 103 billion to 220billion in 6 months. Really over bought, fake , just as a twinkie is real food. — , but this fake food has a very large market,

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