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  1. I think each cycle consists of 4 phases around halving events. The following is my guess, which could be applied to such cycles in the past as well:

    Phase I | 2019 | Market corrections from prior cycle complete by Q1, and accumulations commence

    Phase II | 2020 | Accumulations continue, and halving occurs in Q2 resulting in demand/ supply reconstitution

    Phase III | 2021 | Demand/ supply semantics solidify, price jumps occur, and potential new ATHs result by Q4 (conservative ~ 5x – 8x off prior ATH, so the $100,000 – $150,000 range is currently in my mind)

    Phase IV | 2022 | Market corrections commence and price drops occur thru the year (~85% possible)

  2. What I love about you Steve is even watching your old YouTube videos your still saying the same stuff. Not changing your words and being shady. Your amazing man and I will find a way to be able to afford your classes. I hope the payment plan works for me. I’d give anything to start them. I’m a single dad of four and I just can’t take food off the table. But I also know I have to make a change. Is there anyway someone could work for a discount ? Or pay weekly payments. I wish you had a yearly membership that was paid monthly so people like me can afford it. Not saying your classes aren’t worth it. Frankly they should be more. Your so honest and truth. Thank you for everything you have a lot ready showed me for free ! God bless yo and congrats on your new son. A son is the greatest gift on earth. Nothing at all is better not even marriage!

  3. first bull run was 493X second was 350X  350/493 = .7099  so the second bull run was only 70% of the first bull run.third bull run was 80X 80/350 = .2285 so the third bull run was only 23% of the second bull run best case scenario if we assume that the fourth bull run will be as much as the third one wich was 23% of the previous one we would have 23% of 80X = 18.62X with a bottom price of $2800 X 18.26 = $51 128 but that is very unlikely since every bull run is only getting smaller in percentage from the previous be realistic let s assume it will be 50% of that 23% last bull run wich give us 11.5% of 80X wich equal to 9.2Xwith a bottom price of $2800 X 9.2 = $25 760 with a bottom price of $1000 X 9.2 = $9 200so my prediction is $15 000 in 2020A bubble cannot repeat perpetually but 9X return on your investment is still more than most people will ever do in their investing carreer.  we'll see!!!!

  4. Cryptocurrency  is the new wave I was loosing it all when I discovered how to trades cryptocurrencies through the help of my trading/mining strategy.I made $5,000-$10,000 weekly trading cryptocurrencies.Please don't miss this opportunity to start making a consistent me via email at

  5. Cryptocurrency  is the new wave I was loosing it all when I discovered how to trades cryptocurrencies through the help of my trading/mining strategy.I made $5,000-$10,000 weekly trading cryptocurrencies.Please don't miss this opportunity to start making a consistent me via email at

  6. Never invested before, fear loosing money stops me. But decided to give crypto a go just once. Saw bitcoin is low at moment, trying to decide when to buy – your video is gret, you give great insight to crypto, very informative, clear, thanks!

  7. Steve thank you. You are a passionate person and I really appreciate your knowledge. Quick advice, price predictions are complicated speculative exercises that although are entertaining and fun to play with using unexplored indicators etc, can hurt credibility, and make the uneducated and gullible crowd angry.

    Keep it up, and very soon I'll join your classes. Best regards!

  8. Steve, You are spot on with the 2014 trend comparison, However I think it's possible for a twist in trend to take effect midway between now and December, putting 2014 back into the past. I say this just being very optimistic of the future of crypto's. But until we brake the trend, 2014 is a our catalyst moving forward. Anyone else's more optimistic on this thought?

  9. "blood on the street"… "you lost all your hard earned money" … I mean, c'mon, talk to yourself, I'm still in green.. so green you can't even imagine! 🙂

  10. Hey Steve, I want to write this as a kind of "open letter" to you, because I deeply feel that you deserve an apology. I could simply troddle along and delete some of my past comments (the negative ones) but that would be dishonest and lame.

    I am quite sure that during the agonising roller coaster ride of the past 200 or so days, several other crypto investors would agree when I say that under the pressure of the market, especially after losing money, respectively seeing your investment first shrink to half, a third, a quarter while hodling, one is tempted to blame our very own shortcomings to crypto youtubers like you, to either let off steam or perhaps to shake of some of that terrible self guilt, like "WTF have I done?" Isn't it great to have a valve that eases the pain by then simply being able to say or write, "Well Steve, Jay, Dash, Alessio, whoever, got it all wrong and it's his fault!" It might make you feel a bit better in that moment, but does not help, respectively makes things worse long term.

    I, personally, feel bad about it and not only would I like to apologise to you for the (luckily few) irrational rants in your comment sections in the past, but state that out of all the crypto youtubers I have subscribed to in the past 16 months, you – by far – are the one and only genuine guy out there who really knows what he is talking about and who is spot on most of the time.

    Your videos are always uplifting and have a very positive, straightforward and honest vibe, even in the most difficult times. And I enjoy watching your videos more and more by the day, knowing that you are not a paid ICO puppet, making your money by simply teaching young investors the tricks of the trade instead of selling $#itcoins to gullible people. I love your channel and am a Steve Believer now and wish you and your family all the best for the future in these uncertain times… Rock on, Steve! You're the best!

    Cheers, Franky from Thailand

    PS: Amost forgot – looking at the charts, time periods and the reduced gains at each peak, I think your 111,000 USD for the next peak in 2021 are not far fetched, but I think it might happen earlier… Bottom might be around 3.000 USD what will be devastating to most hodlers, causing more and more panic sells… You called it – not a good time now to buy BTC at these prices. Spot on, again!

  11. Like the coins 99% of you tubers are bogus especially the braggers about how great they are they are bad 4 business in more ways than shilling coins there are other things to shill 2 man6 carpetbaggers do your own research

  12. crypto winter.. I have no clue, but best guess is Oct 1 we will start to see at least a small buy run until Dec 31st may not be a new ATH but at least 9500. I had previously thought that we are done with consolidation. Steve you did not mention the fact that 50.8% BTC domination resistance was crushed to 54.5%+ how come you didn't mention BTC Dominance resistance now becoming support? How does that now effect the market? I see your long term bear market prediction as entirely too long. I am having a hard time seeing it. I do understand what you are saying but as Mass Adoption looms and adoption rates sit under 4% I have to say we are at a major turning point. We are only at $35 Billion more in Market cap in 12 months. Just over 12% from one year ago. This does not make any sense to the informed blockchain tech enthusiast. Experience has shown me that in the early 1990s the mass adoption (internet and cell phones) flood comes fast and furious. It could be any time. Be ready but yes I can see that we may have to be more patient if Steve is correct.

  13. I love your videos, keep it up! based on my TA, if the weekly candle closes below 6,6k (500 MA on the daily chart) i expect a huge dump down to 5k during the folowing days, (750 MA on the daily chart, 2 years average more or less). This bear market is going to last more than the previous one, but is going to be a great oportunity for new investors. Based on my analysis bottom will be around 2.5k begining of 2019, these are based mostly on moving averages, fib retracements, weekly RSI and weekly CMF. take care!

  14. if bitcoin replicate exactly the 2013-2014 bubble the bottom was in january 2015 at 177 which is 63% less than the previous lower low This time our most recent Lower low is 5870 so we can calculate the next bottom around 2700-2900 and the timing is probably arond the end of 2019

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