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Today we look at the new beta version of Blockfolio dubbed Blockfolio 2.0. This is a much smoother version with a sleeker layout & functionality.
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Crypto Wendy O: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCla2jS8BrfLJj7kbKyy5_ew
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Such an amazing video!!!! ♥ i sub and like
I use blockfolio all the time good to see there doing good things
Impressive company
Unveiling will be epic when it's for public release
Tutorial is good mate keep it up
Blockfolio to the Mars
Seems awesome with the new version
Another good video keep them coming!
Was the beta version better than older version?
I am interested to use the more sleeker functioning blockfolio
When will this be out to public?
Definitely an excellent app from my experience using it
Can’t wait to try this out:)
Gonna check it out
Super excited to use their alpha version
Love the unveiling of this platform
i never used blockfolio,
Thanks for the unveiling news
I like how fast it is. I was trying Ethos and 8t does almost the same thing but is extremely slow. Thanks bud I can switch now.
Blockfolio is ok!! I do feel there are better ones out there!
#Monarch #CryptoBeadles
I'm using Delta. Was hesitating between these 2. I'm happy with Delta though.
Nobody is talking about circle adding a bunch of new coins
Review is made professionally
Nice complete cryptocurrency management app
Great review bitboy! I love blockfolio!
Will definitely check thanks Bit..
Will give it a go when released to the public
Monarch to the moon
Thanks for sharing
Sleek stuff
Give it 5 star rating for this app
Solid review man
Old version was excellent expecting same with this one
Can't wait to get the final version to use this app
Thanks for the tutorial on your layout
Mmm….interesting….lol.not my portfolio…
Great potential project bud
Looks exciting with its functions I will try it out
Blockfolio needs manual entries, right? Btw is it safe to use apps that have automatic entries using the api ?
Great review man!
I haven't use blockfolio before, but now, after this hearing from you, i will suggest it for myself for testing,
Cool video
1.0 was good can't wait for second version of the app!
Congratulations bitboy on testing the beta version!
awesome dude
Blockfolio 2.0! ?
Thank you for the brilliant content this project has great concept
Will check this version 2.0 out!
Ooh yeah size 2X.. ?
Yes, I have and do use blockfolio. I keep my very original crypto buy-in back on Jan 2018. And look at it often. It's a reminder of the pain of being rekt. Great video BitBoy so thanks. ?