Thinking about purchasing a Ledger Nano Hardware Wallet? Browse their official website:

Want to join coinbase to begin your crypto journey? Here’s a link to get free $10:

Join the Robinhood app and invite your friends to Robinhood and win free stock. Here’s my invite:

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If you’re looking for an app that tracks the price of BTC & ETH and many other coins, check out the CoinView App:


Lightning Network:
Coinbase Segwit:
ETC Airdrop CLO coin:
Iran/ Turkey:

It’s been a couple weeks since Bitcoin and many other alt coins experienced price corrections. So while we wait patiently for the kind of upwards movement we all know and love, here is some evidence that Bitcoin is still very much alive and making improvements.
Also for those of you who are holding Ethereum Classic, keep watching to learn how to participate in the Callisto airdrop coming up in March. Lastly, let’s see which other countries are following in Venezuela’s footsteps and planning cryptocurrencies of their own.

Lightning Network is now launched on Bitcoin’s testnet. The launch of Lightning Network on the testnet is a big step towards it being launched on the mainnet. If you want to learn more about Lightning Network consider checking out this link in the corner.
Take a look at Bitmain’s profits
Another thing to consider for the proof of Bitcoin’s continued existence is the success of the company Bitmain. Bitmain is responsible for manufacturing the hardware needed to mine Bitcoin, and they managed a profit of about 4 billion last year. Now compare Bitmain to another computer chip manufacturer like Nvidia who makes hardware for high end computer games. Both of these companies made similar profits except Nvidia accomplished this after 24 years of business and Bitmain, only after four years.
If that isn’t enough, Coinbase now officially supports Segwit, meaning fees are finally dropping, which could help to encourage others to use Bitcoin on a more regular basis.
Callisto Airdrop for Ethereum Classic holders
Now for all you Ethereum Classic holders who have been enjoying it’s recent alt time highs, it could very well be explained by the anticipation of the fast approaching Callisto Airdrop set to happen in March. If you want to be sure to get the new Callisto coins, your wallet options include:* ClassicEtherWallet,
* ClassicMask
* MyEtherWallet
If for whatever the devs of MyEtherWallet decide not to support Callisto, you can always import your MEW wallet into ClassicEtherWallet and get them that way.

Russia, Iran, Israel to adopt cryptocurrencies and blockchain tech
Venezuela made waves when they announced the sale of their Petro coin. It probably won’t be long until countries like Russia, Iran and Israel follow suit. However these governments decide on the details of their cryptocurrencies, it’s safe to say they will be centralized and controlled. I’m curious, will you consider these to be true cryptocurrencies



  1. Those coins are incremental innovation, not disruptive innovation. A natural path when we consider governments. Governments lack proper diagnostics (or avoid them) thus create solutions for problems that wouldn't exist without them.

  2. Hi CT, I think national cryptocurrency is definitely a positive thing, sure it's centralized but it will help investors to escape from fiat money and buying bitcoin or other altcoins far easier than today 🙂 what do you think ?

  3. Hi, just came across your channel and love it!! I see you did a bit about Robinhood, a competitor to coinbase. Have you looked into blockport (BPT) allready? Love to hear your opinion about that. They mix coinbase with a social aspect.

  4. You have great, informative content. One of my favorite channels. Enjoy your outdoor locations, and your upbeat attitude and smile. Keep doing what you're doing!

  5. Why would anyone use any crypto if the price fluctuates so much? I bought a plane ticket with btc a couple months ago…just to see if it would work. It did. If everyone starts using btc or any other crypto, wouldn't that also make the price go up or stabilize? Can someone explain? Thanks

  6. Heidi, not sure where you live but it looks like a new season every other video. You have a beautiful ocean, winter wonderland, dead leaves fall, and then a green spring time with birds chirping in the background. Keep up the good work!

  7. One BTC transaction costs over $100! As the transaction fees has gone down, people might not notice this, but this is still a cost HODLers have to pay with inflation.

    Right now the best and maybe only long term use case of BTC is to lend out the coin to people who want to short it. You'll right now get 0.058708% per day, 23% per year, on Bitfinex (you have to be a corporation if you're from USA).

    Otherwise it does nothing that something else does not do better.

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