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  1. You shouldn't be comparing Deutsche Bank to 2008 Bear Sterns, that Evil US bank was VERY profitable, right up until it was broke, along with the world economy. Instead compare Deutsche Bank to 2008 General Motors. Its an old, tired company, and every other bank/car company is eating its lunch. Deutsche Bank isn't going to DRIVE the next financial crisis, its going to HOLD ON until the next crisis, so, like Fail 2008 General Motors, Deutsche Bank will just try to stay in the game long enough to get the next bailout. EVERYONE in the financial community was waiting for 2008 General Motors to fail, but they were just tough enough to hold on until the financial crisis, and got in front of the bailout line with their hat in hand, and now, free of their bad union deals, healthcare, and retirement obligations that the US government picked up, GM is fine. Deutsche Bank is just looking for another bailout, and if they hold on long enough, they just might get it, unfortunately…

  2. I wouldn't go so far as to say Bitcoin or any crypto currency is something that will stand the test of time. It is still not proven nor adopted by the masses as a stable form of monetary funding. Now I'm not saying the potential isn't huge in the long, but it has many more hurdles to overcome before it's tried and true. However, precious metals ARE tried and true with thousands of years as a monetary asset. In fact they are so tried and true, no central bank wants them as a backing or standard because it obliterates their scam of excessive fiat money printing. Don't get me wrong I'm heavy in cryptos but it's still volatile and speculative. Nonetheless, I love the information you present. You have great sourcing and good financial intellect. Keep up the great reporting. I support what you are doing!

  3. It's no surprise they are shifting to a lending focused business model with all the refugees and immigrants germany/europe has been accepting. New products for the debt machine

  4. It was inevitable that Deutsche bank would collapse. The employees are looking for jobs now- noone would know who is on the redundancy list over the next 3 years. Its a sinking ship that its politically non viable to rescue again

  5. Recession will most likely lead to drop in bitcoins price as people cash out of their crypto to pay their bills.

    This is exactly what happened with gold in the 07/08 crash, despite everyone liking to say that people took their money out of stocks and put it into gold.

  6. I DO KNOW who it is that bombs out Iran's nuclear assets; so the pilots refuel in Saudi Arabia. [Making the Sunni Saudis complicit in a military strike against Shea Iran] BUT I have not published it; due to the shocking consequences for the whole world. Multiple resultants originate in this action. The Iranians bomb the Middle East when they are declaring 'Peace and security!', causing a 'sudden destruction', 1Thessalonians 5: 2, 3 Daniel 11: 44, 45, which is also a 'tribulation' Matthew 24:29, 30 which provides a manifestation of Christ arrived in 'power and great glory'. This event comes with 'signs' in the sun, moon and stars.
    The Sunni/ Shea conflict in all 23 Arab states is also manifest; Jeremiah 25: 24 due to this initial bombing, on Iran's nuclear assets. Jerusalem is bombed Jeremiah 25: 29 The Middle East is bombed, as seen in Matthew 24: 15-22 and Zephaniah 2: 1-11. In the latter we see the eruption of "Jehovah's Day of anger" and cities are described in battle and distress, such as GAZA, ASHKELON, ASHDOD AND EKRON.
    The United States is immediately involved, as seen in the parallel remarks in Daniel 8: 20, 23-25. This means the bombing of Iran, as seen in Jeremiah 49: 35-38. This is the explosion of Middle East war, with all nations becoming embroiled in wrath Jeremiah 25: 24-26 Revelation 11: 18. There is a parallel situation in Europe. The Euro collapses, due to a one- hour event found in Revelation 18: 17 and Ezekiel 7: 19. This causes a banking systems freeze-up; and the complete loss of the world's financial system results from this one-hour event. The loss of the Euro then precipitates war between the EU and Russia. So the EU is bombed; and is in famine. Ezekiel 7: 19. Russia takes the artefacts of the Vatican and the churches, as seen in Ezekiel 7: 19-22, and these are the 'hidden treasures' mentioned there. Just as the financial system is melting down, also the systems of religions are being dismantled by political powers, and the political system itself is collapsing under the turmoil of the Great tribulation.
    The Great tribulation is a five month cataclysm Revelation 9: 5, 10 that corresponds to the Great flood, as seen in Genesis 7: 24 [150 days]
    The Great tribulation is brought to an end by Jehovah, when the wicked are destroyed Psalms 92: 7 Psalms 37: 8-10.
    The political system are executed Revelation 19: 11, 19-21.
    Satan the Devil, Gog of Magog, is executed Revelation 20: 10 after spending 1,000 years in prison. Revelation 20: 1-3.
    This makes a CLEAN SWEEP of all the wicked, and those CAUSING the Great tribulation.
    BUT there are a ''Great crowd" of survivors, and they are the faithful, meek and righteous ones John 3: 16 Psalms 37: 11, 29 who LOVE GOD. Revelation 7: 9, 14-17. They comes out of the Great tribulation rejoicing; along with their children. Matthew 25: 31, 34.
    They come into the safety of God's Kingdom Matthew 24: 14 and this planet is to be cleansed, beautified, redeveloped, and made to resemble a Paradise Luke 23: 43.
    God's Kingdom, also called Judgement Day; is the happiest time mankind will ever experience, when the dead of former times are raised back to life Acts 24: 15 Revelation 20: 13. Those surviving experience HEALING Isaiah 35: 4-7, at the time the earth is also being restored to its former glory.
    NONE of those who died are to be punished all over again for the error of their past. They have already PAID for their sins. They come back into a time when they know they will have to get their names on the 'scroll of life', because they have a second chance, and a clean beginning. The ransom sacrifice of Christ Jesus, when fully applied to mankind, brings this healing, and opens up the graves. Corresponding to the perfect man Adam; Christ paid the penalty for Adam's sin, and released the children of Adam from their condemnation to death.
    Having died for mankind; now Christ comes to take His rightful position as our King. Revelation 12: 10. His Kingdom takes over the whole earth, at a time of the hissing, roaring missiles of the ruptured Great tribulation Revelation 11: 15, 18 2Peter 3: 10.
    So when you see pictures of devastation on your TV, Christ and God's Kingdom is already here. The Old 'political heavens' passed away with a hissing noise.[of missiles deployments] 2Peter 3: 10 Revelation 6: 14. There were 'signs', in the 'sun, moon and stars' Matthew 24: 29, 30 Luke 21: 25, 26. THESE things announce the arrival of Christ, while the political powers are busy killing and maiming innocent people. Matthew 24: 15.
    How long does this system have left to run? ONLY until "peace and security!" is announced in the Middle East. THEN the nuclear assets of Iran get bombed out. WHO DOES THIS? The reprisal, when the Middle east is bombed by Iran,when they say: "Peace and security!" is the 'sudden destruction' Paul predicted in 1Thessalonians 5: 2, 3. There are MULTIPLE consequences.
    So would this be weeks, or months left?
    The Iranians said they will keep increasing the enrichment of uranium, until their demands are met for sanctions relief. Their uranium will be BOMBED. Their anger and their reprisal is found in Daniel 11: 44, 45.
    Some people want to argue about these end-time events, because they have been taught POPPYCOCK. So if they just wait a short time, they will be able to see the facts of this for themselves.

  7. Correct, the whole system is based on debt and people are fed up with paying interest to banks that create money out of thin air. It's a racket and it will fall down. The question is what will replace it.

  8. Great information, enjoy the videos!

    I'm sure lending money to Conold Chrump didn't help the situation. Big global recession coming, anybody with crypto won't be hit like the FIAT based people.

  9. It's been decades in the making, but this is where a fiat monetary inevitably leads to. Duetschebank and several other 'systemic banks' have been insolvent for over a decade now. Sovereign, corporate and personal debt levels are now significantly higher than pre-crash 2008. We now have a global banking system that has all the commercial credibility of 'The Emperor' s New Clothes'. Capitalism no longer exists, it has been replaced by central bank money printing that makes the former Soviet Union look like a prudent enterprise. Tick-tock, tick-tock………..

  10. thanks nick for the great content. a holistic world view is how you KNOW timing in most markets as they are human driven… i believe its actually way worse for the EU thank just DB.

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