In this talk, Andreas ponders the concept of “killer apps” within the constraints and capabilities of blockchain ecosystems, and what the essence of Ethereum is. He also examines the recent influx of money sharks and ICO hype, and what happens when we’re too excited to resist the siren song of riches and pass an engine test before aiming for the big boom of a moon orbit. A rocket is what happens when you do governance on explosives, and great power requires even greater responsibility.

This talk took place on March 15th 2017 during the Cape Town Ethereum meetup at the Deloitte Greenhouse in Cape Town, South Africa:

The Lion and the Shark: Divergent Evolution in Cryptocurrency –
The Killer App: Engineering the Properties of Money –
ICOs and financial regulation –
Governance trade-offs in decentralised systems –
TheDAO – Why failure is a necessity for learning –
Initial coin offerings (ICOs) –
The token ICO explosion –
Altcoins and the scaling debate –
The Scaling Rites of Passage –

Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a technologist and serial entrepreneur who has become one of the most well-known and well-respected figures in bitcoin.

Follow on Twitter: @aantonop

He is the author of two books: “Mastering Bitcoin,” published by O’Reilly Media and considered the best technical guide to bitcoin; “The Internet of Money,” a book about why bitcoin matters.




Subscribe to the channel to learn more about Bitcoin & open blockchains!

Outro Music: “Unbounded” by Orfan (
Outro Graphics: Phneep (
Outro Art: Rock Barcellos (



  1. Yep, totally agree. But I think it will do more than replace corporations, it will replace government. Government as we know it is massively obsolete and in need of disruption.

  2. ETH Ethereum is far too dangerous to implement and cooperate with! All of you with ears to hear, dump your ETH now for non premined proof of work chains. Don't let greed and fear of missing out, fear of not being on the winning team win over common sense! We can all still float investments to much higher highs along side an exodus of ETH and other smart coins. ITS FAR TOO DANGEROUS!! Individuals first need to understand, realize and become what are the actual rights of individuals before we should allow "rule by the mod/borg". I'm talking about the future of the world, the future of our species. Take the hit/loss now if you have to, and do it for the preservation of what little freedoms are recognized today. It won't be long before there is a catastrophic economic planned collapse, and the ruling class roll out the spray on microcomputer AI systems, and begin the extermination of the herds. Keep smart coins as a pet project on a testnet with little or no value embedded into it! We need to begin the escape, expedite the exodus before its too late; else I'll assume you fantasize about being bossed around as a pee on slave by a talking spray on mark on your wrist or forehead!!


    Bitcoin will continue to be a trusted store of value, then says it will crash down to earth. Sure once the world puts all of its excess wealth and speculative investment into Bitcoin, it is going to make a lot of radical smart and disruptive people wealthy and I can bet they will have money to pursue more disruptive ideas. How else is this going to play out guys?

    We will see more ideas emerging once the smart radicals get funded by the mass adoption of Bitcoin and it's usefulness as a global record of every important document. (A Free Online University For All that works with worker cooperative businesses to build real marketable skills, Democratically Run Worker Cooperatives, 3D Printing Homes and Cars in a Day, Worker Cooperative Incubators, Radicals can run for offices, Consumer Cooperative for healthcare and essential services, Dark Phones, Open Source Platforms and Artificial Intelligence projects, Mobil Collaboration Apps, Global Work Space, Reclaiming the commons, Occupy Wallstreet 2.0, Metamemetics, Direct Democracy, Smart Contracts, Local Exchanges that secure the excess capital of a community (rather than a stupid bank), Sharing Economy Solutions, and many more ideas to come)

    And it will be the disruptive thinkers that will make every forms of speculation stupid compared to Bitcoin and every multi-national corporate monopoly obsolete over night with a single smart app…. and say good bye to Capitalism, Socialism and Communism, because they all did the same thing; which was have the 99% make all the wealth and hand it over to the 1%. Get ready for the new era where decentralized open platforms and Democratically Run Worker Cooperatives and new innovations ,will welcome in Cooperativism.

    Bitcoin will be the first and only true store of value [There is never a reason to have more than one, nor a reason to switch once it has become adopted]. Bitcoin, because it is based on mathematics, and a fixed supply and it is decentralized means it is the only cryptocurrency worthy of a store of value and as a universal record.

    THIS IS THE AGE OF DISRUPTION! and it will lead us into a NEW ECONOMY that is better than Capitalism and it's love of monopolies, Socialism and it love of Government Control.

    P.S. I love Andreas' humility on every topic. It is a sign that he is not an Expert, but a great thinker…

    #Bitcoin, #Blockchain, #WorkerCooperative, #Disruption, #Cooperativism

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