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  1. Love the trading + fitness correlation. I’ve heard it a million times, so one would think I’d be sick of hearing it, but everyone has their own spin on it to make it refreshing to hear time and time again.

    You’re right about the social media posts and whatnot (Reading “New Year, New Me!” is incredibly annoying, knowing that it’s bullshit majority of the time), and although I don’t have a weight issue myself (for context, I’m 6’5” and 165 pounds so twig status lmao), my parents have since I can remember and I love gotten them FitBits, just recently a smart scale, guided them through setup, all the bullshit email accounts you need to make for these specific things and nothing – they’re still fat, neither use their FitBits although I always ask them to see what their bs answer will be, and my mom won’t weigh herself because she hates seeing the results, lol. Got them a $800CDN blender (BlendTec) mainly for smoothies to supplement boredom eating and they only drink if I come over and make them one… Which you can imagine, defeats the purpose.

    Point being, the correlation between the two really resonate with me and have only made more sense the more I’ve heard it from people, which is great as I think that’ll help with the trading side of things…

    (Rambled, but great video. Not sure how to put it into words, haha)

  2. One of the few names I've learned to trade w consistent profitability.  Thanks for teaching about the those crazy vix names so many years ago Nate.  Worth their weight in gold if you know how to work em.  GL this week!

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