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In today’s episode of Hodl, Trade, or Dump we look at 3 of the most popular Chinese Projects: Elastos vs Ontology vs NEO.




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Crypto Disruption: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJxYycmlCSHcLaY5h7u5kmg
Keith Wareing: https://www.youtube.com/user/optionxe
I Love Crypto: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiMgF08KQ4z-Gnu8o2BLOxA

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  1. I know it's an old video but there was no hard fork of NEO as in a new chain. They had some technical issues which they're resolving soon with 3.0
    I agree with HODL Ontology and I'd add Phantasma (SOUL) to that list, trading Elastos is also a good idea because it's so volatile and low supply.

  2. Proportionally NEO hasn’t dropped much more than other projects. All projects are down 70 to 80% from their all time highs if they were here during the 20K Bitcoin. Personally I’d be hodling whatever crypto I had because nobody knows what will gain sudden fame in the near future let alone longer term growth

  3. Hey mate, hope you’re well. I was wondering if you’ve considered doing a Elastos updated video? Really like your content. You could cover topics such as :
    Cyber republic
    Empower 35
    Million nodes through ioex speakers
    Million nodes TV boxes
    Merge mining with btc
    META alliance
    Access to 500 million zapya users
    A grade Team
    Internet of value , code and wealth
    Mainnet complete
    Side / friend chains
    Low supply

    ELA TOP3

  4. Honestly all of these are long term holds. But I would say elastos and ont are definitely long term holds. If i had to trade one , I'd say neo. But I love all 3 of these projects. Elastos is by far my number one hold

  5. neo has a problem the most centralized with only 7 consensus… we already know what happened weeks ago with his down network its the begin. ont when you do search info the influencer twitter you do not find anything ont is good in my opinion but the all vc in this moment they have roi x70 :/ elastos is the best off three they are separated the 3g allience they had with neo and ont recently that means something ? there was look be a problem that saw from neo and ont ? i thinks !!

  6. Dude why even worry about it 99% of the world is not even invested yet that’s the problem the crypto currency now days people are inpatient and don’t know how to just buy something as an investment. Buy it and let it sit for 3 to 5 years and you’ll be rich too many damn inpatient people that think they’re going to make $1 million in a week

  7. Hard choice as I have all three. That said a very small amount of research shows NEO didn’t fork, but the software stopped the blockchain as it was intended to prevent a fork….., which has now been patched. I can understand other reasons for your decision that may still have had the same outcome, but please resist FUD without evidence. Hearsay is the least attractive element from content creators who want to be taken seriously.

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