Can the United States ban Bitcoin? Many people in crypto think that it is impossible. While Bitcoin itself is just a computer code, there are other ways that the United States can try to shut down BTC. Watch Part II of my War on Bitcoin series to find out what they may try and how it may affect you.

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  1. Ooooh, I love that glass chess set! I'm not sure I would go so far as to say that people "like" to follow rules; we follow some of them only because something bad will happen to us if we don't. I love my country, but it stinks where crypto is concerned. I understand regulation, but they do not need to know e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g about me and what I do and don't do. The thing is whatever they are going to do about it they need to get on with it so we can get on with it without worry. lol

    I don't see how bitcoin could be considered a security, per the guidelines that came out a few months ago. I also don't think they will ever ban bitcoin; they will ultimately find that it benefits them in the long run to leave it be.

  2. First off this is assuming the USA government could get mining farms to register , do you guys realize there are probably 100s of hush mining farms that no one realizes even exist , also there is an old saying if there is a demand for something someone will always find a way to sell , its like drugs the government spends millions of dollars every year to stop the drug trade and fail miserably.

  3. Bitcoin is different. Its all of those things but none of them, Bitcoin is many things to many people. I think this will be impossible to regulate properly, especially from BIG government. Great insight on your video sir! 🙂

  4. Well done my friend. Hopefully they're not stupid enough to try and ban it in America and let the rest of the world get ahead of us. I do worry about centralized ASIC mining farms around the world being taken over or destroyed by the military. If they can occupy oilfields and sabotage nuclear reactors they can probably do the same thing to bitcoin farms if they really wanted to. Except for China and Russia but they could probably send in the CIA to sabotage them on the low. I wish we could do away ASIC farms and go back to mining on laptops. I think bitcoin should use multiple mining algorithms like DGB does. I think centralized mining is a big vulnerability and was not intended to exist. We also need an open source crypto wallet with peer to peer trading capabilities like bit torrent. That would make it nearly impossible to stop as far as I know.

  5. American dollar ? yers by yers lost he’s value because it’s just paper ? doesn’t has any value how much Federal bank needs it will copy and paste dollars ? today must of people understand this gambling ? But any way today or tomorrow this system will be changed because this American so afraid from bitcoin I’m sure the will fitting bitcoin on every ways

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