Over the years, college expenses have climbed increasingly higher, with the cost of a 4-year degree now averaging $22,500 per year. WHAT?! Here’s how investing may just be the smartest way to pay for college. http://bit.ly/2k9t4cg

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  1. You should almost always go to a community college for the first two years. I wasted so much money my first four or five semesters at my 4 year university.

  2. Phil, love your content. I’m almost done reading your book and I️ love it. I️ have a question, I️ am a college student and have done the first two years at a community college debt free. Ill be attending a university next semester and need some financial advise. I️ will need to take out a loan because I️ can’t afford the tuition out of pocket. Where do I️ go from there financially and with the loan? Is this a bad idea to take out a student loan?

  3. Thank you Phil for this. I looked into 529 plans and I saw much of what you told me here and I did not care for investing like that. I think a person can do better. I like your views you have and guidance. Thanks again!

  4. I have watched all your videos, I'm 28 about to graduate college an want to invest. But the stock market still seems foreign, it's not often you find a reputable company on sale. When I start making money is there consulors or advisors to obtain information to make the right investments.

  5. I'm a college student but I live at home and commute to my university. I have a lot of respect for you Phil, you're very humble and educated person and I like your viewpoints on a lot of things


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