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Investors Underground
Day trading chat

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  1. I really enjoyed Michele's interview and her willingness to share her knowledge! I also really like the background photos, etc… while just listening to the interview! Keep up the great work!

  2. very inform videos on swing trading but one thing i noticed, no one shows you how to get accounts and set up everything, how much money is needed, and what part of the market you chose to pick trades

  3. Really interested about swing trading but seeing her track record of only 35.64% of winning trades I'm reconsidering because I'm not really comfortable cutting off so many losers and that there HAS to be home-run every couple of trades to be profitable.

  4. I have heard from several great traders mention they almost blew they account at some point in their career… I suppose a lot of people do that and most of them freak out and stop trading after that, and just a few stubborn traders manage to get profitable after that


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