BlockchainBrad chats with Henry (ICON) & Markus (Deblock) in an EXCLUSIVE ICON $ICX Update for Oct. 2018. We talk about things like SK Planet, OK Cashbag, Line, Korean Government, Global growth, interoperability, enterprise, private & public blockchain convergence and much more! ICON is one of the largest blockchain networks in the world. This Korean-based framework boasts independent blockchains comprised of reputable institutions in major industries.

This was 100% free and I received no financial compensation for doing this video; not in fiat, tokens or any form on payment. Since several months ago, I decided to do only free content unless legitimate ambassadorships were involved. I believe that sponsored content is not a problem if disclosed, but this video was NOT sponsored and there was absolutely no compensation received in any way, shape or form for this interview.
when I started crypto research, I invested in the $ICX ICO. I remain a hodler.




  1. Blockchain Brad is one of the very few crypto video announcers (self started) that impresses me. I am very critical of many of the others who I feel have a variety of issues that would take too long to discuss now… but suffice to say that only Blockchain Brad (for good intel about the projects directly from their top dogs mouths) and Trade Crypto Live (for the very best TA and target training to trade for the coins for profit that is available online) and Crypto AMD (for solid TA) and Waves 618 (for solid TA) are the only 4 that I can honestly say that I feel comfortable recommending to anyone who wants to research crypto, it's technical analysis, and it's profit potential and fundamental study. If you are unfamilar with any of the other 3, you should check them out… and to Blockchain Brad… you have earned my respect. You ask the right hard hitting questions without fear, you get the right interviews with the top people, and you keep adding to the massive catalog of different projects that you have met with. You also RE-visit them at appropriate times. I am very proud of you, and will continue to tell people about you. Question… do you (or have you ever) done any surveys of the listeners & subscribers to find out which projects that you have not yet covered that we would like you to cover? (and if not, would you consider running such a poll?)

  2. I know they say they are working on integrating the public with the private chains. I think what most of us are interested in is when and who is going to be using ICX.

  3. IF you believe in what ICON is doing, then these prices should be viewed as a blessing. I get that some, maybe most bought high and are sitting at a lost…that’s me, I got in really late but I have been cost averaging down since because I really believe in ICON and the Korea market. To be honest, I’ve been hoping to see market “crash” harder and get in on ICX and bitcoin at much lower prices.

    If you don’t believe in ICON and what they’re doing, then I’m not sure why you would invest in them. Technology in general doesn’t mature overnight and in this bear market, you shouldn’t expect such a turn around in prices.

    Someone below mentioned this being a 3 year project and they’re not looking for a long term investment…if that’s you, then you’re not investing but gambling. Get rich quick isn’t a reasonable expectation when investing.

    Again, I’m so thankful for the low prices and would appreciate even lower prices but remember nothing goes up forever and nothing goes down forever.

    ICON team thanks for not lowering yourselves to the cringe worthy fake hype but rather keeping your eyes on the prize and methodologically working to develop your infrastructure and truly hyper connecting the world!


  4. I'm an ICX holder, but I didn't really think the answer regarding using a public blockchain with interoperability integrated versus a more flexible "any chain" solution, like Quant offers, was really very solid. Rather, is was mostly answered as to why an enterprise would choose DLT vs centralized. That said, I appreciated the cooperative mindset. Hope these guys really do grow unified efforts, it should benefit them all.

  5. Another great interview Brad. Thanks again for the content.

    Would be great if you could do an interview with Sunny Lu on the VeChain project.

    Learning more about the the tech and also the FUD surrounding the project will be good to hear from the horses mouth and also what they have coming for the future

    Thanks ??

  6. Love ICON been holding since ICO sold some on the way up and on the way down still hold 1/3 but in all honesty i'm getting bored now, it's been over a year and nothing really to show but partnerships and a simple wallet. constant delays and just seems like a lot of talk not much action in the short term.
    I'm starting to think this is a 3 year project and i'm not actually prepared to wait 3-5 years to see if they are successful. I also get the feeling that the most important part of this project is the private blockchain
    ICONLOOP which won't effect the price of ICX.

  7. Thanks for these Icon interviews Brad. It is really useful to get updates about the project from those working on the inside. I really get the sense that Icon is trying to build a significant, and sustainable global business. This makes them stand out when compared to certain other projects who seem to just want to hype their project to make a quick buck. I'm excited to see what the future holds for Icon.

  8. Amazing interview Brad, well done and informative. $ICX still doesn’t sound extremely clear but I do know this is a apart of the start-up life cycle. Will continue to have patience. It is not the general downturn of the market that caused the dump, I don’t think they were honest there. The way that token dropped had to be done by a large wallet holder.

  9. I am not qualified to comment however I just wish to thank you Brad for this (am committed to ICON) and all your interviews. They add a learning component to ones investment strategy which is unrivalled. School teacher coming out in you?

  10. These guys let a few positive things slip if one listens very carefully. I think they are much better positioned than most of us think. I found this very interesting, thanks for doing the interview Brad! Great job as usual.

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