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Forbes Article:

NY Post Spreading BS:

Today’s video is short and sweet but the lesson is one worth hearing and repeating because let’s face it, we’re all susceptible to FUD from time to time.

A recent article published by Forbes highlights one high end art dealer turned Bitcoin OTC trading desk who has extremely wealthy clients wanting a big piece of the BTC pie. The company is The Dadiani Syndicate. It was created to cater to the demands of clients who initially wanted to trade fine art for Bitcoin and has now evolved to service entirely cryptocurrency-focused transactions, transactions involving “enormous amounts of Bitcoin” actually.

In fact, the company is dealing with one particularly bold investor who wants to someday own 25% of the total supply of Bitcoin. Now, I don’t know about you, but when I hear this I get a feeling of validation (and maybe pride?) for being a part of this space before this anonymous yet successful Billionaire.
The other side of that coin is this: knowing that people are out there who not only have the means to own a huge chunk of the supply of Bitcoin, but they are trying their best to get it, only solidifies my desire to HODL what I have. There are a lot of wealthy people who have been waiting for regulations to determine Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as viable investment options, when the day comes, and it’s coming soon no doubt, and they finally decide to jump in, that’s when you will reap the benefits of being an “early adopter”. Supply and demand will continue to prove true, will you be on the right side?

Now you’re probably wondering why I mentioned FUD (stands for fear, uncertainty and doubt) in the introduction of this video.
Well, here it is folks.
The New York Post calling Bitcoin to “soon” reach a whopping $0. My point here is this, don’t listen to mainstream media if you can help it. News outlets like this are rarely positive and NEVER accurate in regards to long term trends for Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrencies. If this is the first time you’re hearing this, get used to the idea. Consider the stark difference between what the real free market wants and what the bought and paid for mainstream media outlets want you to think and soon you’ll find that you can’t “unsee” it.



  1. That's mo' betta!! When all the shit coiners get shaken out, maybe they will be wise enough to embrace the King Rock BTC. I look at measurable stats when it comes to bitcoin. I ignore all news 'cause it's mostly just a bunch of speculation from people who could not even tell you what exactly bitcoin is. When I say stats, I'm referring to the ever increasing decentralization of bitcoin, the ever increasing number of transactions of bitcoin, the fee rates, the price, the number of ATM's which are ever increasing, etc. THOSE are some of the stats/news I monitor.

  2. can you imagine if BTC would ever drop to 0 USD? (impossible since every owner should sell their BTC then). EVERYONE will start buying BTC at that price, even those that have no idea of what BTC is. I swear if BTC drops that low, I'd sell my kidney to buy as much BTC as I can, wait until it reaches a new high and then buy the best kidney in the market ahah

  3. Satoshi is a government AI. Yet another artificial bubble to rob of people with and move us closer to a cashless society. Blockchain gold banks with cryptocurrency is the way to go ?
    The fine art community has to contain the most wretched hive of scum and villainy

  4. I heard about Bitcoin a month before the market peaked back in late 2017 early 2018. I bought on the back end of the peak at 13k because of FUD that I would miss out on the next bull run. So my advice is it’s okay to speculate in the market, but don’t put your life savings into crypto currency. Only invest what you’re willing to lose. Can’t stress that enough! Do your own acceptable loss assessment, that number for me is $80, I’m not willing to lose more than that to crypto currencies. Just recognize how volatile the market is and don’t be a day trader. That’s why I wish I was introduced to crypto through a community rather than on a market exchange. When I bought I just held the funds, and I still am holding the same funds that I bought with. Also explore what else crypto currencies have to offer you besides what it means as an investment opportunity, because when you take a deeper look, that’s when this space becomes extremely exciting. Maybe offer your own services for something in the ecosystem of blockchains that isn’t there currently, the possibilities are exciting and endless.

  5. As someone who has lived half life my life in NYC rest assured no one really believes anything they read the NY Post. Bird owners need cages, cages need paper, bird owners buy the NY Post. It is also run my the right wing..the same wing that runs the banks.

  6. They better get busy, I've read that there may be a few as 5M btc in circulation i.e. not in strong hands. Once the OTC dries up any significant buying will severely spike the price.

  7. Klimaprotection is the weak point of btc and they will hit on that.
    PoS coins are the future even if maximalists dont want to hear about.
    Dont spread fomo on btc its getting outdated .Maybe it was the last run forever.

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