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Investors Underground
Day trading chat

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  1. I personally do not understand the reason behind scaling out of positions, unless you scale out during a drawdown too. If you don't, then mathematically I don't get it, as when you lose it's 100% of the stake, surely you would want to hold full position when in profit and reduce it 100% once it's reached optimal level, whatever it may be.

  2. i watched both DVDS and i gotta say: this is really really been very helpful, its simple, the more you watch the more u have the AHA Moments, and i tracked it on the stock market, parabolic behaviour etc…. very helpful and a must for beginners! good job!

  3. This is genius, but $1500 is quite a steep price especially if you are new. I'm not saying it isn't worth it, but it's something that you can't touch until you already have 3-4 months of earning money via trading in order to absorb the cost.


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