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  1. XRP has unique properties and a special use case that does not fit into the traditional cryptocurrency paradigm. The majority of the currency is controlled by the Ripple Foundation and while they absolutely have the option to sell of their share for a quick profit, this goes against the goals of the organization and their mission. One thing I am not certain of is why the cryptocurrency is allowed in exchanges in the first place but nevertheless, I am enjoying the proceeds I make from trading XRP. Because the Ripple organization is such a heavy holder of XRP with unknown goals, it’s highly speculative on how the cryptocurrency is going to be valued in the years to come. Here’s another way to think about XRP: Ripple owns the vast majority of the XRP (over 60% of the supply). They can decide to cash in on the value, or completely devalue the market by flooding it with cheap XRP. At this point, we don’t know what they’ll do with this high valuation, but regardless, you are at the whim of a powerful 3rd party with uncertain goals. And more importantly, they’re telling you the currency is not good for speculation. Ripple (the company) does not promote XRP as a speculative investment so the best thing which sadly most people don’t realize now is xrp is meant for immediate transactions and gains from trading and not for long term holding as a store of value. I have taken advantage of this for more than 3 months already having traded with Mr Eric Caruso's signal and strategies which has seen me make over 400% in return on investments. For the sake of beginners and even advanced traders who are not making consistent profit, you can reach him with all your inquiries by WhatsApp +447427159640. Eric is in my opinion one of the best strategist, adviser and signal provider in the crypto business today. Trust me, you are better off trading and making good returns now than holding onto what most likely would burn you tomorrow

  2. OK I went on Gab and browsed the most popular posts till the end of the list. I can't imagine why you'd want to spend another second there let alone advertise the place. Sure if a lot of people who understand scientific method and critical thinking and are tolerant and broadly optimistic about the human race and believe in the essential goodness in people all joined maybe it could get a bit nicer, but why try planting seeds in the landfill site when there's fresh, loamy earth next door? It really is full of the most detestable people, people whom even if you can look past the perpetual racism and anti-antisemitism, chalking that down to childhood trauma or the frustrations of their own unfulfilled lives or something, have a value system that is fundamentally selfish. All the posts and comments of substance – not just agreeing with others – were about ego-reassurance rather than critical reflection. There was a picture of an Amish man which was then praised because he had 14 obedient children and wife. Thinking about it logically, why would my children being 'obedient' be a good thing, either for them or for the world? Unless I believe that I am perfect, like actually God incarnate, surely disagreeing with me on some things and choosing a different path in life will at worst result in just a different kind of failure to my own, and at best a genuine discovery of a better way of doing things that future humans can then build upon.

    It's also deeply deeply ironic that while I saw several posts decrying the loss of 'traditional' masculinity, hatred of 'snowflakes' for their perceived weakness and encouragements to 'man up', every other post is wining about how oppressed they are – oppressed by the Washington Post, oppressed by a global Jewish conspiracy, oppressed by women etc etc…

    Nah I won't be going back, I don't care if they get shut down or do continue to enjoy their social bubble, they aren't contributing anything to society.

  3. I still don't know why no one is talking about blockchain supply chain companies. It's still one of the best use cases of blockchain out there. Ambrosus is doing amazing things these days. They will be huge soon.

  4. ♨♨♨♨♨???????

    ध्यान दै
    अगर आप किसी भी इंवेस्टमेंट कंपनी में इंवेस्ट कर चुके हैं या करने जा रहे हैं तो एक बार इस मेसेज को जरूर पढ़ें।

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    *मेरे क्रिप्टो करीयर का सबसे ख़ूबसूरत और फ़ायदेमंद अवसर……अभी नहीं तो कभी नहीं*……
    ?:::– तीन महिने मे डबल * 😕
    *Australia के टॉप टेन अमीरो में से एक का प्रमोट किया हुआ यह पब्लिक करेन्सी जो की पूर्णतया विकेंद्रिकरत है*…. *mining-setup है*….
    *यह आपकी धनराशि इंवेस्टमेंट को करेगा मात्र तीन महीने मैं रीइन्वेस्टमेंट करके डबल ….. और आपने hold करके रीइन्वेस्टमेंट कर लिया तो मात्र एक साल में पहुँच सकता है 10 गुणा तक….*.
    सफलता सिर्फ और सिर्फ ?% आपकी सोच पर निर्भर करती है….. आप जो सोच सकते हो उतना पा भी सकते हो…..
    मोका गँवायें नहीं … BITCOIN EARN..करे इस ज़बरदस्त Awsmining ( bitcoin mining )में इन्वेस्टमेण्ट करके
    *plz visit this website*???

    (सावधानी:- साईनॶप करते समय **आपके रेफरर कोड ☝को चेक और फिर कन्फर्म करें।)

    ??Contact –
    ज्यादा जानकारी के लिए मुझे व्हाट्सप्प करें :- *9891331997

    ? Awsmining ?

    Contact- 9811464517

    Disclaimer – INVEST at your own risk !



  5. McGinley… hum… interesting.. will look into it. Currently experimenting with a double Arnaud Legoux MA (ALMA, 9, 40) and Heikin Ashi candlestick, while comparing timeframes from 30 to D (with Stoch RSI)… to my neophyte eyes, it feels more clear. I`d be interested to hear your thoughts about ALMA and Heikin Ashi. Thx for your great work. Regards.

  6. 1) why not steem instead of GAB? Still good to have options.
    2) why not Beam? Limits supply with mimblewimble and more features. Again good with more options but from my reading Beam seem like a better project.

  7. Hi Nick, enjoy your videos and have learned a lot about the crypto world for the past year. I would like to ask if you have time to look at cloudcoin, it's an unusual technology that I don't completely understand but seems intriguing.

  8. Is there something you've heard from other "experts" who also think we're retesting lows? You seem awfully sold on the idea. My point is, there weren't solid catalysts that kicked off previous bull markets. Maybe you're right, and we need a retest to prove price stability. I just don't see how range trading (like we've been doing for months now) can't accomplish the same thing. Maybe your theory is shared by soon-to-be major exchanges? Bakkt got delayed till late this year, and Fidelity and TD Ameritrade have been slow to unfold their platforms. Perhaps holding off till after one last major dip?

  9. Nick, could you please review Theta? They already offer their service to millions of user and provide a doorway for mass crypto adoption. Next week they have their mainnet launch + gigantic airdrop (1:5 of Thetafuel). It's going to be a top30 coin soon

  10. Nick, check out the “Brave New Coin Liquid Index” chart in TradingView. Ticker symbol is BLX. It shows the entire history of BTC/USD trading price. It’s very useful for charting on the weekly and monthly candles.

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