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On today’s news video we look at the markets, crypto centralization, Coinbase IPO, Coinbase doubling its staff in 2018, EOS is not being held accountable, & are credit lending platforms going to fall apart?
Coinbase Staffing: https://unbankd.co/2018/09/09/coinbase-doubled-its-staff-in-2018-and-wants-to-be-the-nyse-of-crypto/
Coinbase IPO: https://cryptoslate.com/crypto-flirts-with-stock-market-robinhood-prepares-to-go-public-coinbase-ceo-hints-toward-possible-ipo/
EOS ICO: https://vincentbriatore.net/2018/09/09/whats-eos-going-to-do-with-4-billion-dollars/
Credit Lending Platforms: https://medium.com/@AlexisAiono/credit-and-crypto-a-brief-history-and-the-future-6a8d7c1bae36
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Check out some of my favorite Crypto YouTubers:
Crypto Love: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu7Sre5A1NMV8J3s2FhluCw
Crypto Beadles: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcE2GkGcKxHjZoMVM7tjmyA
Crypto Crow: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwsRWmIL5XKqFtdytBfeX0g
Crypto Disruption: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJxYycmlCSHcLaY5h7u5kmg
Keith Wareing: https://www.youtube.com/user/optionxe
I Love Crypto: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiMgF08KQ4z-Gnu8o2BLOxA
Miggity Miner: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDjgFHwnO1_YJk_UBTb3rqg
Crypto Wendy O: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCla2jS8BrfLJj7kbKyy5_ew
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So centralization is decentralized in disguise
Can crypto be really centralized?
It's quite confusing seeing decentralization as a centralized system
Another good video keep them coming!
Thanks for informing its centralized
So not cool being centralized
Why centralize the decentralization?
I agree it's important to learn about it
Centralization evolves to ensure they can be part of decentralization
Bullish on eos
Eos is running out of questions
Don't let central win the battle we will be full decentral long term
I prefer the decentralized over centralized
EOS has a hard wallet. https://medium.com/eos-new-york/setting-up-your-ledger-hardware-wallet-on-eos-b66b2bee5257
Central and decentral can be in sync
Thanks so much for the advice
Dude you do NOT seem to know very much about EOS. You give YouTubers a bad name and sadly pass along BAD information to your viewers by NOT doing enough research:
What metric do you use to say that Dan Larimer projects (STEEM, BTS, EOS) are failures? On http://blocktivity.info/ Dan’s projects hold the top 3 positions over ALL blockchain projects and easily have more activity and hold more transactions & speed records that even ETH & BTC combined.
EOS also has several wallets:
• Scattellet (Web – Login with Scatter)
• EOS Voter – Greymass (Desktop)
• SimplEOS (Desktop)
• Infinito Wallet (Mobile – iOS, Android)
• imToken (Mobile – iOS, Android)
• MEET.ONE (Mobile – iOS, Android)
• EOS Lynx (Mobile – iOS, Android)
• Key Generator (Web)
• EOSKey (Offline Key Generator)
• NOVA Wallet
• FYI: Scroll down at http://allthingseos.com/ to research/learn more about EOS
Litecoin summit will be epic
i loved the video, but you have NO PROOF that they are doubling their staff. They could be sending misinformation for their corporate benefit. Show me proof. The people who write the articles do no fact checking
Robin hood is growing in healthy way
Great video,
You're lacking so much information on EOS. So misleading. You gotta do better research before putting out a video.
Big Money Cyrpto!
First its decentralized and now its centralized
Any product and services are manipulated it's been going on since dawn of mankind
Great now bitcoin becomes same as centralized not surprised
Looking forward to the $HOT review, “I call coins what I want”. Lulz
I think that the best way to become more decentralized is for China to allow crypto trading and use by the people. An ETF may make it more centralized with ETFs following suit of each other. Don't know but that's my thought, or two satoshies…
Your putting up a l8t if videos.. keep em coming and thank you.
Clearly you have failed to do any research about EOS before coming here to talk fat talks. Its also clear you are just a fan of some shitcoin you are invested in.
1. Blockone is working on the next Facebook-like project where users earn as they post and advertisers pay you directly instead of paying Facebook.
2. New REX coming up where you earn 5% for staking your tokens.
3. Power Ledger, Sentinel Protocol, Havven, WAX, Howdoo and many other projects have ported from Eth to EOS.
4. EOS has the fastest blockchain now that fully working Dapps can be built on. I mean fully working Dapps and not whitepaper Dapps.
5. The most used project now according to Dappradar is EOSDice and it is built on EOS by a project that ported from Eth.
6. A new VR project by Mike Novogratz is on the way.
7. New and free account for all is getting announced. This will aid adoption.
8. So many VC money has entered EOS right now.
9.Theres a lot more I cant remember now cos I am going to the cinema to watch a movie.
Say all you like the flippening of EOS and ETH will happen this month.
Let's be honest… Yes… Centralized and manipulated… but what isn't…
I hate the guy with the big head
I like Vincent he keeps it real
Obviously you didn't do research about EOS. I like to hear different opinions, not just hype but telling that EOS doesn't even have wallet?! EOS have many DApps that are actually working, not promising like all other blockchains. It has more tx than all other blockchains combine. I like your channel and please try to be more serious about best blockchain of present…
Neck deep for sure. Wouldn't have it any other way though.
Awesome merch on your website man!
Adoption will see whales dump their bags on public for huge profits but it would not hurt public that much because the more people get into crypto, more stable it will get and with whales cashing out, slowly but surely it gets more decentralised with time. But early adopters surely will reap the rewards.
Bitcoin is the way out of this simulated planet we live in
Mind boggling to know that bitcoin is in reality a centralized disguised as decentralized
Updates are great to hear on cryptocurrency
Appreciate your valuable personal opinions
Global litecoin summit will be awesome
Brilliant video mate
4 billion lost like that they legit scamming the people
Sad to see centralized which is against satoshi vision of this technology
It's over when it becomes centralized by the central banks
Btc is 5k my prediction
Educational and interesting