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  1. Hi Steve. Really enjoy your videos. I am curious though. On my daily chart the 50 day MA has not yet been hit. Cant see the time frame on your charts cause of your face.

  2. 28 Aug you tell us this is not the time to be greedy but to be caution
    After that Btc up all the way to 7350 without correction
    Now is the time for caution as Btc near it resistance at 7500!

  3. Nice sound but your levels are extreem. Overall to soft. maybe you can keep an eye on a decibelmeter? or start level higher and keep distance when you shout, thats what pro's do.. thanks for the warning btw

  4. Hi Steve.. In this video, your voice is much too soft compared to yr previous videos. Even I have turned my device volume to max, yr voice still too soft. I prefer yr voice volume from yr previous videos

  5. It's all ways a blast watching your visions Steve great advice one day I will be able to get the classes.ive only been in crypto since January and have learned a lot from your videos.but I know there's so much more to learn.thanks Steve for careing about others.and marking a differnce.

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  7. Steve, excellent video! This is a little off subject, but am very curious. Can you make a video on Bitcoin's price by the end of the year??? I hear many say it will reach up to 40k or higher. Not saying any names, but there is a crypto expert with a outstanding track record stating it will reach up to these levels. I'm confused because in one of your previous video's you explain how around the end of the year we will see very low levels. Thanks and I appreciate it. Btw, I truly believe in your classes and knowledge and look forward to joining the crypto crew very soon.

  8. Much appreciated Videos Steve. Lots of simple but useful info and also thanks for reminding on emotion control at the right times 😉 One question, you were talking a lot on BTC charts recently but what do you think on alt coin market right now? Do you think Alts market and especially ETH, IOTA, NEO, Nano has seen the bottom already ? I still see slight downtrend on naked charts there… although some like Nano start shooting already but personally still thinking they will fall again to recent lows. Whats your opinion on that, maybe you could cover in one of your next videos. Thanks again.

  9. Really enjoy your videos! Especially when you talk about emotions being a money killer. That is so key it's not funny. Until anyone learns that I'm afraid they're destined to lose. And your mic sounds great but I could hardly hear you and I turned everything up if that helps. Keep up the good work!

  10. The crypto classes were a little steep for me. I might have to sell my crypto and take a lose to make money. I've been losing because I dont know the basics.

  11. On 20 Aug you said 6800 is so strong resistance for BTC can't even come close to this level
    Yesterday BTC Broke up above 6800 without much hesitant
    Today you tell us this is not the time to be greedy but to be caution

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