Leave Me Alone!

– Twitter/Instagram: @crypto_daily

– Disclaimer: I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice.

– #crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin



  1. That mic does look heavy but hey just include that time holding it as "workout time", problem solved. Love you bro! Not trying to shill only chill but have you looked at the XYO project. The project seems viable and even needed. Would love to hear you comment on it.

  2. Reminder! Łitecoin mining reward halving coming Summer 2019 – LTC 2015 halving saw price up 5X in the run up! Some Money then moved to Bitcoin! Bitcoin halving coming 2020!

  3. the same thing happened with dash i got in at 1 dollar it went up to 100 i shorted the market and it went up to around 115 when my short closed and then the price went down to around 60 ish but that was POS to help not answer your question

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