[Read me]

This is not financial/investment advice.

In this video, I go over all the settings and layouts I use on my charting platform of choice, TradingView.com.

This is my favourite platform for technical analysis of Bitcoin ($BTC) and other cryptocurrencies, and I share some tips and tricks to make charting them a lot easier.

My free TA Telegram: https://t.co/gCiaQeTsVa

Twitter: https://twitter.com/cryptocred



  1. Hey Cred, thanks for the video. Yet, the horizontal grid lines helped me to draw straight horizontal trend lines and in your setup, the grid lines are invisible. Is there anyway to make the straight trend lines parallel to the unvisible horizontal grid lines? Thanks

  2. I havent use any indicators / chart in all my 3 months time in crypto. Have been eager to learn this stuff, and now i know where to begin. Thumbs up for Cred for making this vid… awesome, my friend ???

  3. Is there a deeper psychological reason for using black and white candles over the typical green and red? Also, don't you sometimes get eye strain looking at the white mode? Are you using a blue light filter or ever blue light blocking glasses ie. Gunnar glasses?

  4. Thanks. Looking at the title, I was expecting of a more in depth view of your actual setup, including indicators, timeframes, etc rather than just settings. Maybe another video…

  5. Cred I honestly highly value everything you put online, thank you! One question I've been wondering for a while is; does it matter much which btc chart you use? I see a lot using bitstamp, why that one? Thanks in advance

  6. great job, cred. i also find the indicator template/study template is convenience if we have a set of indicators we often use with settings and all, so we only need to pick our own set of indicators rather than apply them one by one from indicator list.

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