In a NEO EXCLUSIVE, BlockchainBrad interviews Malcolm Lerider to address all the NEO (@NEO_Blockchain) community’s questions and concerns. This is a great way to get more NEO updates, get more NEO News and address the NEO FUD. @dahongfei & Erik Zhang recently held an AMA and this session goes into detail about such questions and much more!

What is NEO?
NEO is a blockchain platform and cryptocurrency designed to build a scalable network of decentralized applications. The base asset of the NEO blockchain is the non divisible NEO governance token which generates GAS utility tokens that can be used to pay for transaction fees generated by applications on the network.

This was an
For the green backdround:
“Amitai Angor AA VFX”



  1. Hi Brad..
    I HODL Neo.. But things don't look good anymore for Neo? Malcolm Kerosene left too..
    Let me know your thoughts.. Can't seem to find any recent video of Neo from you either..

  2. I’m wondering why Neo didn’t answer directly to Chico Crypto,maybe coz he’s totally unrespectfull and people feel bad every time he open his mouth, haha,normally I got pity for sick people but this one should stop to speak about Neo and any crypto,he’s not helping the crypto ecosystem.
    Thx for the good work Brad,we all appreciate your contents 😉

  3. as people say – price keeps going down it will have to be rebranded as antshares – thanks Brad for pushing the interview along and pressing the questions as best as you could through corporate speak. am losing faith in Neo and even at these prices i find it hard to buy

  4. Thanks for this Brad, this is the most critical and hard line i've ever seen you and i like it, you wear it well! These projects need more transparency if they want to build better and more healthy communities. I respect Malcolm owning up on behalf of NEO to mistakes they have made, at the same time he was not very forthcoming with other things you brought up but i understand he probably has his hands tied with information he is able to divulge. I respect NEO for stepping up to the plate to address concerns but there's still something to be desired and cant help but have a certain degree of skepticism when people tip toe around certain issues. Cheers Brad!

  5. Chinese Ethereum being built in Brazil and Russia while being controlled by a centralized entity… not very Chinese and not very Ethereum. Anywho, good luck to NEO team and HODLers.

  6. Once again a really awesome video Brad, really enjoyed watching!
    I really think your channel is one of the most undervalued within the space and that it deserves way more attention so I decided to feature it on my facebookpage.

    The page is called "Cryptopia" for those that might be interested.
    On the page I try to guide people towards finding trustworthy and useful sources of information. (Like this channel for example)
    Finding the right sources of information is the key in this space so don't let yourself be fooled!

    Don't hesitate to drop by, have a look around and make sure to let me know what you think, I'm always open to feedback!

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend guys!

  7. I'm a relatively small investor and I accumulated 40 NEO. But today I sold all 40 and traded those for more OMG and ICX. Why? Because if you listen closely, Malcolm Lerider actually thinks NEO is overpriced even right now. Yes NEO works with KPN, which is a huge company in my country The Netherlands. But partnerships with blockchain companies in general are overrated. What really matters, is what those partnerships will comprise, and how these might influence token prices. Imagine being a huge company like KPN – a star company listed on our Dutch stock exchange. Would its board and shareholders like it if NEO would be $1000 per token? Or would they prefer a more stable and predictable price? Only truly decentralized tokens can't be fixed like this. NEO definitely can. So while I'm not doubting NEO's chances of becoming a major blockchain, I do believe that there's quite a long way to go for NEO to bottom out. I might buy back some NEO, but only at the right price.

  8. Great interview Brad! I have to say I I felt Malcolm came across like he was not being up front. Maybe out of his control, but something just didn't sit right.
    I think Da Hongfei needs to put a little time aside over the next days/weeks and communicate via video. Da Hongfei is doing a lot of damage to NEO with his management methods. Very sad. I hope this gets sorted.

  9. Great interview Brad!!! Also big thanks to Malcom for answering all the questions. NEO should share more insides and answers in future every month. Communication and marketing is also important – even if I have a solid product.

  10. In my opinion the NEO founders are either aware of something behind the scenes that we as investors and faithfuls have no comprehension about yet or they are that confident that they are onto something ground breaking. They're simply putting their heads down and working hard to improve the project instead of hyping up NEO like so many shitcoins do on a daily basis to increase their marketcap with no real value. I watched the 1hr long Chinese interview (English subtitles) with Erik Zhang, published on the City of Zion channel and i got the feeling these guys are deadly serious about the NEO ecosystem and most importantly the technology. Not what's on Coinmarketcap. That will come. Also EVERY single blockchain project will have its issues so all this FUD is nonsense. The recent issues were resolved extremely quickly and the NEO team were very transparent during the entire process. Anyone that works in technology understands these types of challenges. Its part of the game. Also us Westerners need to understand that this is a Chinese project and their culture is very different in terms of execution and marketing/communication. While its important that NEOs marketing needs to improve should they want to appeal to a global audience i still feel we are way too early in the blockchain game for it to make that much of a difference. Focus on the tech, create value and the marketing/hype will take care of itself. I'm still very confident in the NEO ecosystem and truly believe this project will be one of major blockchain success stories of the future. #NEOISTHEONE

  11. 25:20 You want to take down NEO, here are the rusults so far:
    Ranking on CMC one year ago: 20th August 2017 ETH rank 2nd , NEO rank 9th
    today: 24th August 2018 ETH rank 2nd , NEO rank 15th
    Price from ATH: ETH down 80%
    NEO down 91%
    It seems something is not working too well.

    I am a hardcore NEO longterm investor and believer, but NEO needs to step up its game, it's losing ground not only against ETH, but also against other Chinese projects that are building strong parnterships VEN in Japan and China, WaltonChain in China, Binance in Malta, TRON …

  12. Love your content, Brad. I visit various channels for various styles of crypto content, but your channel is essential and your voice in the space will only become more and more important as more and more media get into the space that have no care for the community, technology or the revolutionary possibilities for the entire globe. Cheers!

  13. Great intervieu Brad. My god, Vechain already migrate their private blockchain solution to their public blockchain, so much ressources wasted by neo. instead of bridging real economy through partneships and private blockchain projects, they lost money and time through useless internal debate . Vechain took so much lead , with real use case and migration to their public net, infrastructure and code is overatted in this industry, most of projects are open source.

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