It’s Friday Crypto Mates! Topic:NEO News – New dAPPs: StokiT, ProjectICO, PeerAtlas. Exciting times for NEO! NEO Crypto News – NEO News Today – New Neo Projects. Subscribe Today! Find me on twitter @brad_laurie. We are buildinG a community that talks about the best and most current news and information available on the web for NEO! We are even gonna talk about New dAPPS coming like….. well take a look!

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1. BlockchainBrad

2. NeoScan

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4. Neo Onchain Meetup

5. City of Zion ICO guidelines

6. Guidelines for responsible token sales

7. Kucoin

8. NeoNews ProjectICO

9. Malcolm Lerider

10. Project ICO Website

11. @ByteSizeCapital NM

12. Stokit

13. My twitter page

14. PeerAtlas

15. mickel_ans Twitter link

16. Elastos Whitepaper

17. Secure Key

18. Enterprise times

19. Nuls

20. Nuls Website

Thanks sooo much for listening and check my twitter to connect! @brad_laurie. I will respond to you always…. take care and have a great weekend. Talk to ya soon!



  1. Hey Brad! I've been a huge fan of your videos for a while now! Keep it up bud.

    Would you be interested in interviewing the Hydrogen team? They just locked down the biggest banking partnership crypto has seen to date- bigger partner than Ripple, EOS, or many of the other large crypto projects have done thus far. They partnered with TD Bank, one of the worlds largest banks by mktcap. I know the Hydro team would love to chat with you!

  2. Brad could you have a look at trueChain? looks like totally under the radar project from Singapore/China already has ICOs linig up , very interestin, and extremely low market cap for such a porject – plus they aim at 10000 tx per second!!!

  3. PagareX – The Community Coin

    A highly profitable, global cryptocurrency ecosystem that doesn’t rely on banks or financial institutions. PagareX puts you at the centre of the currency and allows you to invest in it in multiple different ways. Financially independent is what we want you to be with PagareX.

    28432 Members already joined us!

  4. Btw NEO can do 10k TX per sec

    but I keep hearing that no matter what, with block chain it's just not scalable, sooner or later we'll hit the same scaling problem with NEO

    any thoughts on that?

  5. Brad, I love your videos, thank you. Out of curiosity I started researching NULS, the more I dug, the more promising this project began to look. Their premise is that blockchain is going to be quickly adopted once the benefits of the technology is realized. The challenge small-mid size businesses are going to have is going to be the learning curve. They do not expect there to be enough devs who understand blockchain tech well enough to fill demand, this is what they’re trying to solve. They’re trying to modulize blockchain tech to be user friendly for any level of development, effectively become the windows of block chain. They are trying to break the mentality that you need a “Main Chain” and create highly flexible, highly robust chains that can work together or completely by themselves, depending on the need of the business. The team looks really solid, most of their core developers have been working with blockchain for 5+ years at least. Additionally, I wasn’t a fan of the air drop, but this was a distribution to investors of Inchain, a failed ICO that looks like it may have been caught up in the China ban, they distributed NULS to investors who did not want their refund in ETH.

    In short, I think this project may have some serious potential, I’d love to see you cover it more if you’re interested by any of this.

  6. SFIcoin ICO is the most transparent ICO i have seen so far. Check out the video on their building and employee who works for company and what they do. Also for Decembers round use promo ID (right) SFI127562 and be part of the team bonus

  7. Excellent research and review as well for the current state of the NEO ecosystem Brad! If i can i would love to add something. ProjectICO is incredibly important for the adaptability of the ICO world in America. ICOs are hugely frowned upon by our government. They haven't been outlawed per say but I can definitely see that happening soon. The head of the SEC recently stated he hasn't seen a single ICO he wouldn't declare a security. Which basically means you can't even participate unless you are a licenced trader. ProjectICO which is based in the states also believes most ICOs should be declared securities. Why does that matter for NEO? Because that potentially allows NEO to operate in the states legally even WITH strict rules regarding ICO launches that are only legally available to big money or big business. That's if in fact the SEC officially cracks down on them which in my opinion they probably will eventually. Not necessarily a good thing but if NEO is being compliant and no one else is then….

  8. Brad … check out the latest video by Bitcoin Crypto Fund Management. They've got the lowdown on what's happening with NEO. All I can say is …. OH MY GOD !!!!!!

  9. Brad your vids get better and better mate. Well done again on this 1.
    It just hit me how much NEO's GAS dividend will increase once the platform gets more traffic and it's bloody awesome.
    Most people are just looking at the GAS % return now and think that's it, but there not taking into account future growth as the token gets bought up and redistributed back into the NEO ecosystem. I left a link below that helped me understand.
    I had a late night researching and not sure if you recommended this guy or not. (cheers if you did)
    Anyway thanks again for all your hard work researching and it looks like NEO's starting back on it's climb to $100.
    Cheers mate 🙂

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