BlockchainBrad speaks with NEX Co-Founder Fabio Canesin about all things NEX. At 59mins learn all about the Token sale! This NEO-connected platform is all about complex decentralized cryptographic trade and payment service creations. Want more updated content? check out my twitter @Brad_Laurie. NEX combines the NEO blockchain with an off-chain matching engine to enable much faster and more complex trades than existing decentralized exchanges.
NEX handles enormous trade volume through its unique publicly verifiable off-chain matching engine.
The NEX payment service enables third-party smart contracts on NEO to send and receive global assets such as NEO and GAS as part of their computation.
NEX handles complex order types that aren’t currently available on other decentralized exchanges such as market and limit orders.
Nash will go live on 31th of March. Pre register here and win BTC and NEX:
If anyone wants to join our great NEX community please be free to use this link to join us and share your ideas with us…
NEX ??
Fabio Canesin nice job you do with KYC2 ICO stage rejecting 99 % .How you think to get respect when you reveal you true face in ICO stage.Does crypto masters force you to do that???
Brad you are courteous, diligent, approachable and above all humble. Thanks for putting out these videos for everyone to see. Keep up the good work top man.
Great interview with Fabio! Here is my own independent review on Neon Exchange (NEX):
$NEX will be a decentralize plate-form where you can exchange token sales on NEO, does it mean only $RPX $DBC $ACAT $ZPT $ONT $QLC $TNC will be available on the plate-form at the beginning ? Since $NEO lost half of his value, does it mean the value of one $NEX will be at 0.50 $ or 0.40 $ ? if not can i ask why ?
It is good to see a frank conversation between two such smart and unassuming people. BTW I installed the NEX browser extension yesterday, and so far like all NEO software that I have used, it works as intended.
Does Brad remind you of Murray from Flight of The Conchords?
Recently Binance floor has information will create decentralized floor. Does this affect NEX?
I'm a little concerned about the disclaimer on the NEX extension that "Read and change all data on the websites you visit". Why would anyone do that? Why would a chrome extension need the permission to read and change your data of any websites you visit. Surely this would mean that it can even read personal banking passwords or any passwords etc. This is a red flag for me! Can you shed any light on this or reassurance. Thank you. Julie
fabio is my hero!
ICO_Whales – CHAT & INVEST is a community where we share our experience with each other, provide information support, choose and invest in ICO projects together. Chat & Invest in a friendly manner!
I heard the difficult story easily. Thank you.
This sounds like the NEX … I mean NEXT big thing! Teehee!
Brad , frankly speaking you are one of the best , sorry sorry the best in this space providing quality review , Thank you once again for allowing us to be illuminated …I wont be supprised if in couple of months we dont see you as advisor in some projects :))
fabio looks like younger version of .Steve Wozniak of Apple inc
I really appreciate your channel. Keep it up!
OK how to register .. i dont see any option to create an account nor i see from where i can download NEX browser extension
Hi Brad, thx for the great vid, can you make a review about Zebi please? I think they have great potential…
All people brad interviews are geniuses. How can they be so smart?
Excellent interview Brad! Listening to you guys' conversation gave me a needed break amid the habit of listening to 24/7 nonsense in the mainstream rants (or some greedy reporters talking to ponjee scammers talking about moon and lambo). You have a true journalistic acumen. Very impressive!
Great interview Brad!
You do the most indepth interviews hands down. Love your stuff Brad keep up the excellent work friend.
Can you review OPEN Platform. Looks like a great investment opportunity!
Brad you really sound Australian, are you Australian?
Good Job Brad, you have done justice to the important questions concerning this project. well done keep it up.
amazing interview!! well done!
Great interview as always. Thank you brad
Brad, I know I heard kyc mebtioned. Will this be open to US investors?
Already had my eyes all over this so this interview was AWESOME….. some seriously smart people. Thanks for your work