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  1. Steve it is 9 o’clock in Fraser Michigan USA, I am looking at the Bit coin chart and I am seeing all the whales pumping it up so that’s a little fish will join in.
    What you have taught us is unfolding right before our eyes,
    Much gratitude Steve,

  2. Hey Steve, do you do any videos on Etherem as well? I am following that sucker closely and bought some and I am wondering what is going on with this…If you have some videos can you show me where they are, if not do you think you can make some videos on this as well…Thanks for what you do and for the education on BTC!!!!

  3. I like your video's but the shameless aggressive shilling of your classes is cringe worthy, self-serving and obnoxious. I think one plug somewhere in your video is enough. I doubt I'm alone on this.

  4. Hi Steve. I've researched a lot and listened to several different people since I entered the crypto market in January. I've been following you for about two months now, and you're hands down the best info I've come across. On top of that, you seem like a good guy, really sincere. I plan on purchasing your courses eventually, once I'm able to. I look forward to being a student at Crypto Crew University!

  5. Steve first of all thanks for all those videos , wanna thank you to be in truth with us I just signed up in The intermediate class . So excited to study this and go forward and learn my most important go is became a teacher like you , you really inspires us . LOVE YOU GUY

  6. your videos are really great… BUT there is one BIG fundamental thing you are not taking into account… that in 2014 MTGOX went insolvent … therefore the market was in a complete BEAR free fall at each level (In 2014 MTGOX going under was like today's Binance exchange going under type of event). HOWEVER in 2018 .. we are not in this type of bear market fall but a market consolidation "mostly" with HUGE news on our horizon… ETF… this to me will negate any TA that ANYONE will be doing.. the macro level of influence NOW in today's Crypto market is TOO big to not pay close attention to. Do you still think the TA will be able to predict this market on past performances?

  7. In summary you are tryt to say if btc dip below 6k it is dangerous and 6.8k is so strong resistance that even btc rally from now it will not go beyond that in short term

  8. You are the best Stevie. please do analyze top altcoins more often.
    And I have a question. Is this a good time to buy ETH or other altcoins? Will they go down with bitcoin or some of them can be stronger than bitcoin in the next market change in dominance?
    Thank you.

  9. Another great video Steve! I sure wish your classes were around when I first started to invest (poorly) in crypto, I would most definitely had taken your classes instead of losing my money on poorly and uneducated trades. I had started trading crypto near the end of January this year, right at the start of the BEAR market. I did not know how to recognize that the market had turned from a bull run to a bear run and I kept hoping that it would turn around soon. Boy what a hard way to learn otherwise. I have been watching all of your videos since about March and the knowledge you share with each video is priceless! Thank you for teaching us even in your free videos, I can only imagine the wealth of knowledge your classes have to offer and maybe sooner than later I will be joining the ranks of many others who have taken your classes, just need to recover a little of the losses that i've had first. Anyway thank you for the great videos that you put on youtube for all to watch, they've been very informative indeed. Peace and Love!

  10. Thanks for the lesson! Do love the simple explanations and technical analysis, NEVER boring! Feel like my finance education has only just begun and you've been amazing help to understand this space. Truly appreciate your work, and your appreciation back WIN WIN 😉

  11. Always great information once you've skipped through all the fluff and self – promotion, most of which is pretty exhausting. His TA is great but usually only makes up like a third of each video. Good for honing your skipping skills

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