BlockchainBrad chats with Terra’s head researcher, Nicholas Platias. We compare Libra coin with Terra Money: a global cryptocurrency. Terra’s stablecoin and monetary system is the foundation for the future of decentralized finance. In contrast, Libra is a highly centralised, corporate-led coin. Terra is a price-stable cryptocurrency aimed at mass adoption. As its scale grows, Terra leads a new financial infrastructure for the next generation of decentralized apps. It is also arguably the best evidence today of blockchain-based global money, as they have more e-commerce partners than most. Mainnet Columbus has also been operation in the real world for 2 months, whereas Libra is still theory and is being challenged by governments right now!

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0:11 Intro Nick Platias, head researcher @ Terra
0:46 What is Terra? What is a StableCoin?
3:35 Volatility Problem in crypto.
5:31 Terra’s Vision
8:31 Compensation pegged to basket of currencies
12:16 Libra backlash
18:26 Terra is Permissionless
19:17 Is libra a blockchain
25:56 Terra MainNet
27:47 Dual Token Structure
32:34 Libra Money sent to Custodian Banks
36:42 Libra Lacks Seigniorage
45:02 The Value of Starting in Asia
50:14 Enterprise + E-commerce
51:03 Roadmap
52:20 Exchanges + listings
55:55 G7 Crypto Taskforce coming!
57:57 Thanks Nicholas Platias!
This was 100% free and I did this video with Terra with no compensation; not in fiat, tokens or any form on payment. Why? Since several months ago, I decided to do only free content unless legitimate LONGTERM ambassadorships were involved. The Terra team mentioned they may donate some LUNA to help my channel and I will inform you of this if this happens. I believe that sponsored content is not a problem if disclosed, but this was NOT sponsored and there was absolutely no compensation received in any way, shape or form for this interview that I receive. This is not Financial Advice. Please #DYOR
I have not invested in Terra. This is not Financial Advice, but I really believe in this project. #DYOR always.
The information provided is not to be considered as a recommendation to buy or invest in certain assets or currencies and is provided solely as an educational and information resource to help traders make their own decisions. Past performance is no guarantee of future success.

It is important to note that no system or methodology has ever been developed that can guarantee profits or ensure freedom from losses. No representation or implication is being made that using the attached material will guarantee profits or ensures freedom from losses.

BlockchainBrad shall not be liable to the participant for any damages, claims, expenses or losses of any kind (whether direct or indirect) suffered by the participant arising from or in connection with the information obtained this website or directly from the website owner.

#BlockchainBrad #Terra #LUNA #StabeCoin #GlobalMoney #ecommercecoin #libracoin #libra #Terracoin #TerraMoney #Facebook #CorporateCoin



  1. This interview was all about exploring the similarities and differences between Terra's StableCoin system and Libra's Corporate-centred StableCoin system. It was free but for 100% transparency Terra said they may donate some tokens and because they said that, I want you to know about it. I edited this for hours and hours and I hope it helps. I personally found the chat with head researcher, Nick Platias, really valuable. Thanks for the sub, likes and comments, means so much to me!

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