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Super Helpful Video for Understanding Quantum Computers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWJCfOvochA

Quantum Computers vs Supercomputers vs. Mainframes: https://www.nanalyze.com/2017/11/quantum-computers-vs-supercomputers-vs-mainframes/

Zerohedge making this into a doom’s day scenario: https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/googles-quantum-supremacy-render-all-cryptocurrency-military-secrets-breakable

MSN article downplaying this new information: https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/other/googles-quantum-supremacy-announcement-shouldnt-be-a-surprise/ar-AAHJVjb

Wired Article says Not the end of Encryption: https://www.wired.com/story/googles-quantum-supremacy-isnt-end-encryption/

Other news regarding Quantum Computing as of 2019: https://quantumcomputingreport.com/news/

Peter Todd’s thoughts on Quantum Computers and Cryptocurrencies: https://twitter.com/peterktodd/status/1176313278114476032

Scott Aaronson’s Quantum Supremacy FAQ: https://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=4317

Quantum Resistant Ledger: https://theqrl.org/



  1. They sure are beautiful to say the least… They really look of something old elite Industrial Age when art design, & craftsmanship were equally important… While totally futuristic I love them… As long as they don’t mess with my coins ?
    Great stuff Heidi, I always enjoy… Oh more crypto improv comedy like with the street model ads that time! Too Funny ?

  2. Thanks for the video. For all the reading I've done, we're years a way from this quantum threat. BTC is still a good buy and it has the biggest number of smart devs – they will work out solutions. I'm still buying Bitcoin. I bought some today!

  3. Q computers are just the digital version of an atomic bomb. Another advancement for a species too immature to handle it. Only evil will own them. So, yep, a chunk of your tax dollar will go to the monitoring activity of these machines, wherever they may be. This will all be hidden under the blanket of national security, as usual. But just like a nuke, anyone who attempts to use these machines for nefarious purposes will automatically loose and be shunned by the world. Besides, the owners and the list of those qualified to operate this equipment will be limited and easy to hunt down.

  4. Bitcoin 2020 mining reward halving another day closer …?….?

    Good to see Sofi (Social Finance) app in USA now trading Bitcoin and Łitecoin – ref Charlie Lee twitter feed

  5. i have very large doubts over this issue. Firstly one of the most important use of encryption is that of missile silos.Cracking this is one of the most immediate use of Quantum computers by any world military, as is cracking teh financial encryption of a falsly bilt economy (China) Intel on Chinas interest in war behind closed doors has become more abundant of late along with conflicts in the S.C.Sea, Things like this dont just 'leak… Lets see some tangible evidence of Googles breakthroughs. ….

  6. It's been suggested that the human mind, as in consciousness (e.g., thought processes, spatial awareness and even "dream states" while sleeping), exists on a quantum level. In other words, the theory posited is that human consciousness, obviously in part to the hard mechanical functions of the brain itself, essentially performs ALL calculations based on known attributes of quantum mechanics and the physics involved.

    So what is MORE scary than say cracking SHA256, or breaking any other form of encryption, I might ask? I'd guess the answer to that unsettling question would be any potential for man-made quantum machines to one day be able to systematically "crack the minds" of human beings at will (likely including other animals) and very effectively overtake & control human thought processes, including emotional output, on an artificial quantum level…?

  7. A few months ago Twitter bugs blew off QC as a non starter conversation if you mentioned it in conjunction with it being a threat to crypto. They have egg on their faces now.
    Here is something to consider, every single option that we have available to us to live a free life in an open and free society is being slowly but surely taken away. People will have to choose between being with God thru His Son Jesus, even if it means you forfeit your life to stand for Him and being with the devil and taking his mark even if it means that you loose your free will and become the devil's property, forever, which leads one to eventually to the Lake of Fire and Brimstone.
    So, you might want to consider what choice your going to make, you won't have much time before that choice will be made for you.

  8. Sweets you look like youre getting in great shape. Dont take supliments. They put some garbage in them. Athleres keep testing postitive for steroids while on them. Some roids are cheap . I think they actually are dumping them in and not listing them. You are at least a 8.5 anyway. Dont hurt yourself. Great voice.

  9. Science where cause and effect are irrelevant, where observations and measurements do not apply is not science. Since a certain group of people took over science at the beginning of the 20th century we have gone off into metaphsical fantasy land. In short quantum computers will never exist.

  10. Tiny correction for you. Bitcoin does not use SHA256 for its private keys, that wouldn't work as it is a one way hash. Rather it uses ECDSA (secp256k1) for private keys, which can also be attacked by a Quantum computer.

  11. Great balls of FUD. Anything that will scare you from crypto is the news. Period.
    The financial markets are being engineered (controlled) due to the pretty obvious currency issue. The 2008 Lehman even was ~700B liquidity event. The current printing in the EUR/USD market is a sign that the "smart money" is trying to get into the dollar to get a positive yield. This appears to have caused a dollar shortage in Europe or the FED is printing an EU player (Deutche/Germany?, Italy?, France?, Greece?, Spain?; it's SOMEBODY.) a golden parachute. Whoever got the $, they should have failed like Lehman and didn't. While this is obviously being handled without panic, it should be recognized as a problem.

    Last night on Binance, the BTC/BUSD pair went sub 1900, for 2 minutes. We have all been eyeballing charts, waiting for this recent retrace. Lots of trading technical screamed 8500 and 1900. Then, a market move makes one, and a bot-sniped, 2 minute Fourier retrace hits the other. Knowing where money was sitting for buy orders and for how long it has been there is a matter of paying attention, data metrics, and placing your bids on top of ALL the buy orders. As the other orders move their money out, due to stagnant orders that have sat for MONTHS, the known order deck moves to your money. You then wave the chart for as long as the Elliot wave is "correct". My guess is that BTC/crypto markets have enough advertised participation that this was a technical coverage, done by the people moving these markets to operational status and the BS news and odd market movements/data are propaganda to cover the currency issues.

  12. This is great news for cryptocurrency because now we can address the new security measures that will be needed. Your video's are so well done, have you ever thought about expanding to a science base education channel?

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