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  1. Hey Steve, Zilliqa is definitely my favorite of the 3 and nice to see it in your list! I get worried about trading in these bear markets where everything is illiquid. I've been following major events like partnerships and platform launches, main nets, and those aren't even making dents in these markets. Next platform launch i'm eyeing is Digipulse DGPT. Platform goes live on July 1st. What's your opinion on Digital inheritance for your crypto?

  2. Good picks..I would add DNotes for a low cap. Only around .05c should be $2-3, more developed than 95% of the projects out there. Been developing their platform for the past 4 years and getting ready to do a marketing push.. Once they launch their IPO in the stock market, they will have major exposure to institutional money as well. Worth the research…a 100x soon IMO. Cheers!

  3. Hey man, what are your thoughts on DGPT? They are a digital inheritance service built on the blockchain. In the event something happens to you, the people you designate will have access to your digital assets and not lost on chain. Platform launch has been announced for July 1st, so June may be a good month for folks to scoop up. What's your thoughts on DGPT, would appreciate the feedback!

  4. I'm still a little nervous about Tron but you should definitely take a look at Digipulse (DGPT). First company to use blockchain to tackle digital inheritance, which will be huge once more crypto millionaires are made in 2018. Low token supply, low market cap, the platform gives you a way to protect against losing your private keys, and they just recently got a write Forbes. Definitely a sleeper token for 2018, would love to see you do a video on it!

  5. GREAT VID. It’s important to know that trading cryptos isn’t so complicated when you actually know how to trade, but how good you are predicting outcomes is what really matters and only experience can get you that. Ashton Clegg trades for me and i get $19000 every week. Skype or whatsapp him with +1518 3519039…..

  6. Hello Steve! I have participated to the Pre-ICO of Docademic MTC and now it's on Hitbtc exchange. I will like to have your read about it, please.
    Thank you!

  7. For you all saying the class is too much. I purchased the Intermediate class. I sold stuff to afford his class. Change your mind set never say things like " I can't afford it", "I don't have money." Instead ask yourself, "What can I do to buy this?" Get rid of cable, starbucks, don't eat out & don't buy games for your electronics. There is always a sacrifice. Sacrifice today for a better tomorrow or sacrifice tomorrow for a mediocre today.

  8. Steve You Really Are A Great Guy! If I Was In A Better Position, I Would Definitely Be Taking Your Courses N Learning More In Depth From You! Have A Great Week!!! N Good Luck With The Courses!!

  9. TRON is a political play. Justin Sun and Jack Ma will have to find a way to compromise with the God Emperor for life. The last thing the Chinese dictator wants is a freedom-based decentralized internet, but he might also see the wisdom of "keeping your enemies closer" and offer tacit, though phony approval. Or, genuine approval if the Chinese dictator sees crypto as a weapon in a overall trade/currency war. I think the latter. I think China will pump TRON up, to suck money out of the West.

  10. I find it common for youtubers to push alt coins purely on speculation and no fundamentals whatsoever. I think over 90 % of alt coins will wither and die because they have no use and they are just re- inventing the wheel. The market will correct itself one day and we will see a bloodbath.

  11. Dear Steve, plz always mention and state the date when u r making ur new videos ( like today is 1st june 2018 and we r making a video on 3 alt coins for june like this so that we can easily trace ur videos in chronological order). Thanks

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